Sonic Frontiers | Complete Story (Japanese, Translated)

Support my girlfriend (who is cool and helped me with stuff throughout production):

The non-FMV stuff was recorded by Joey. Thanks!


43 thoughts on “Sonic Frontiers | Complete Story (Japanese, Translated)”

  1. Gameplay-specific dialogues will get their own video. Rather do Cyber Formula stuff right now. Go check my blog for more on that. Thank you for watching my videos. I'm gonna go back to bed now.

  2. The changes in the Japanese localized script seem alright, but it's pretty obvious when the animation of the scene doesn't fit the complete overhauls to some scenes, like rescuing Amy and bringing the children (students) back to the mother (teacher).

    EDIT: Oh my gosh the cutscene before The End… absolutely butchered…

    It looks like the Japanese script generally prioritized exposition to character moments, with the results being a bit messy. The English script isn't perfect but you can tell that a lot of these scenes weren't supposed to have this dialogue.

  3. Man this is so shit.

    Not the video, the uploader, or the translation. But the actual japanese script. It fucks up alot when there is specific animations they just basically ignored.

  4. Man this story got FUCKED
    Now I wonder if the tiny Japanese Sonic community has a Windii equivalent, more accurately translating the games that were written in English to Japanese, like this and the Sonic BOOM games

  5. The japanese script is kind of messy where you can tell they completely changed the dialogue. For example, why did Sonic just run off like that at 6:09 when he was questioning Cyberspace? LOL

    It's interesting that the side story dialogues are closely 1 to 1, though. I wonder if they had someone else do the translations or maybe those were originally written in Japanese first?

  6. Thank god they removed Infinite, Orbot and Cubot and most of the 'meta' dialogue like Tails saying that he's a very inconsistent character of course they couldn't get rid of the Deadly Six but who cares this feels way more consistent to the 2000 games. Thank u so much Windii i send you my praises for your hard work 🙏🙏🙏

  7. Wow, so much of this is so stilted. Feels like nearly all of the emotion was stripped out in favor of weird exposition, and in some cases this pretty much completely destroys the character's arcs. Knuckles and Amy in particular feel so snubbed, not to mention Sage. That's a huge shame. Appreciate your hard work as always, Windii! But man, I hope the JP audience can get some good translations on their end too…I feel like their experience got so nerfed and that sucks.

  8. ¡Muchas gracias, Windii! Yo tenía mis dudas con respecto a ciertos fragmentos que había visto por parte de algunos creadores de contenido japoneses, pero ahora me quedan más claras ciertas cosas. Se aprecia mucho tu trabajo 😀

  9. 45:49 I really want to know why the dialogue was completely changed for this part. Don't get me wrong, I like that Sonic remembers the events of Adventure, but its a little weird that this is about Knuckles wanting to know more about the Master Emerald and not about dealing with his own issues.

  10. Yes! YES!! OMG! This is the accurate translation I’ve always wanted! When Sonic yells in pain before turning into a corrupted form, it literally breaks my heart! I can feel his pain. 💔😭 I love Kanemaru-san as Sonikku so much! He will always be Sonikku. 💙 Thank you so much for this accurate translation, Windii! ✨👏

  11. Imo, I think the Japanese script is better in some aspects(and worse in others). I like that Amy in the Jap script still seems interested in Sonic, unlike the eng script where she feels very dry and Boom-like in personality. An example is 1:29:08. I also like how in that cutscene, Tails explained how they brought Sonic back, but the English version made it seem like it was "power of friendship" which really made it come across as cheap lousy writing. I also like Amy's goal better in this version, as opposed to the "share the love" weird goal.

  12. Besides some animations not matching up and incredibly weird phrasing on some lines, this was a pretty enjoyable experience. Which script is better really depends on the part of it and on personal preference. Sage in particular loses a lot of character in the first half of the game and she says "doctor" way too often, but the moment on Chaos Island where the Koco was rewritten to undeservably blames itself for the end of everything because it didn't have the best aim at all times was a particularly hard critical hit to the feels. And argubly, the scene of Sage having flashbacks while crying makes a lot more sense here than in english, even tho the jp-script sorta cheats here because it accomplishes it by prior rewrites that replace other characterization.

    However, I also gotta note some few objective writingmistakes in this script, that…er, I wonder what happened here. Was Kishimoto just not proofreading what he was doing, or was there just a lack of communication to the other people working on the game, especially the other person working on the localization?

    8:50 Sonic says "I'm pretty sure there are Chaos Emeralds on the island", which implies he has not seen any yet and is only going off of the signals Tails was tracking. Issue: This cutscene is triggered after the player starts to collect emeralds. Oops.
    10:00 Sonic tries to introduce himself, identical to the original english. Issue: A rewrite in a story scene already makes clear she knows who he is, these two scenes should not coexist in the way they do.
    14:22 Amy calls the wrong Koco "sensei".
    29:23 Not an actual plothole/writing mistake, but just something rather bizarre. The way this entire thing is phrased does not exactly sound like Kishimoto is taking the short animation that serves as a prologue to the english script into account here, even tho I am fairly certain that has a japanese dub like everything else. It sounds like Knuckles was investigating the starfall islands when he accidentially activated Cyber Space.
    51:47 Excuse me, but what is this scene? Tails is worried for Sonic for like 3 seconds until he sees that he'll live and then he proceeds to only talk about his own state? Am I misunderstanding something here? As I see it, the reaction of western Tails makes a lot more sense.
    Edit: I forgot to list one. 15:23 Sonic and Amy can somehow not guess who the "Doctor" is, even tho Sonic was priorly theorizing Eggman to be involved and some objects in the Open Zone directly prove he's here.

  13. Much appreciated on the translation, amazing work as always.

    But man, what HAPPENED to this script? It keeps the same story as the English version in the simplest terms, and characters just seem so out of sorts and unnatural in how they speak and interact. So many small and baffling inconsistencies too.

  14. @Windii Gaylord

    Not a big deal, but I'm curious about moments like this:

    6:12 Amy clearly says Sonic's name while the subtitle merely reads "You must have been trapped there too."

    I assume there's more nuance and context in Japanese, than my brain going "Oh, the line must really be 'Sonic, you must have been trapped there too' but it just got trimmed", correct? Or is it like a first/second/third-person thing that we just don't have in English? Or is it just for easy readability? I'd love to hear the explanation and/or process for stuff like this, if you wouldn't mind.

    I love knowing about little differences between languages like this. 🙂

  15. No "Cream and Sticks" are mentioned in the Japanese version to this game. It's not necessary to mention Sticks if she was part of the Boom universe.
    A big thanks for translating the Japanese dialogue to this game, Windii! I am truly appreciate your hard work on your translation. It's good to have you back again with your different channel!


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