Something TERRIFYING Discovered In Space | Insane UFO Encounters

Something TERRIFYING Discovered In Space | Insane UFO Encounters.
Astronauts have witnessed a myriad of magnificent sights in space, from a scattering of stars to a breathtaking vista of Earth. There are certainly genuinely spooky sights that astronauts have witnessed in space, but other times what they see is not only strange but also unexplained and terrifying.

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30 thoughts on “Something TERRIFYING Discovered In Space | Insane UFO Encounters”

  1. πŸͺπŸŒšπŸŒ«πŸŒ¬πŸͺπŸ“‘πŸͺπŸŒ¬πŸŒšπŸͺ thanQu frends of th truth from th outer space realm ;-> believ it or not, I hav pix of this strange rectangular object durin th day n night ;-> I caught it from different angls on many different days hoverin round th "sun" ;-> very cool n very privileged 2 say th least ;-> big luv 2 all β™‘1111β™‘

  2. No observer can ever explain more than a tiny fraction of what they observe, on or off the earth, and jumping to conclusions about what they can't explain is common human practice. Nothing reported here is credible evidence for aliens, and I suspect that, if and when they actually do arrive, we will have no doubt.

  3. There is absolutely ZERO true alien flight device encounters. They are exactly UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS and most likely have absolutely nothing to do with extraterrestrials.
    Also great job for a channel with almost 200k subscribers to spread these lies and conspiracy theories :'DD GJ!!

  4. Some people ( maybe more than we think ) will actually believe literally anything . . . , just look at our ELECTIONS for a Damn Good Example. The DEMOCRAT PARTY will get YOU to believe anything that will promote their agenda. They can lie directly to YOUR Face an YOU'LL believe them. How Sad is that?

  5. The experiences of the Chinese astronaut are terrifying. He stated that the entire time he was in orbit, the knocking continued. Gordon Cooper was an incredible pilot & later astronaut. There should be no one who doubts his accounts. I believe that NASA has made it a priority to not let the public see what evidence they have captured over the decades. They claim to have 'lost' telemetry data from their Apollo missions and video recordings. That's appalling! Their irresponsibility in handling such important historic data alone & seemingly uncaring attitude about it is disturbing. They should be explaining to the public how this is even possible.

  6. Why is it, every time your title says one thing and the actual video dies not reflect what you advertise? People can only handle so many untruths. We get enough of that from our government. Can't you just help out with our hobbies without the lies. Probably would watch it anyway if you would just be honest. All bs.

  7. The temperature expantion and contraction in space can cause knocking in metal. The change in temp can "buckle" metal
    with ease in temp change. Eazy to prove on a hot cloudy day, stand by a tin shed it will knock all day as the clouds cross an exit the sun heating the tin roof and cooling in cloud cover.

  8. Said in pretentious accent, "People started flooding the internet after Neil Armstrong stepped foot on the moon…" Really? In '69? And why is EVERYTHING TERRIFYING? NOTHING ON THIS CHANNEL HAS EVER EVEN MADE ME WONDER OR POSTULATE ON ANYTHING I DON'T ALREADY KNOW. Jesus….


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