Something TERRIBLE Is Happening To The Sun, and No One Knows Why!

NASA Discovered Multiple MASSIVE Holes in The SUN.
The region of the Sun’s outer atmosphere, where temperatures can reach over 1.1 million degrees Celsius, has enormous, massive holes all over it, according to recent research by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Your worries are valid, and the enormous solar holes can affect Earth because they have ejected streams of gaseous material that are on their way to the planet soon. What’s causing the sun to have such large holes in it and how can they affect the planet’s inhabitants? Also, is our sun dying?

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27 thoughts on “Something TERRIBLE Is Happening To The Sun, and No One Knows Why!”

  1. Yes.. Sun is God like and Earth too in the Hinduism. Even we hindu believe that trees are God, Rivers are Goddess Mountains are God, Air is God. Because if any one of them go missing then humanity will not survive. Sun would definitely harm us if we do not revitalize our earth.

  2. Omg, I watched the whole video and nothing terrible is happening.

    People. If the title of these videos were real, the MSM would share first.
    YT is basically an extension of MSM now so this is just silly.

  3. The sun's gravitational pull has been sucking in chunks of dark matter for as long as it's been in existence. When dark matter collides with the stellar matter dark energy is released. This energy is incompatible with solar plasma. However these pieces of dark matter debris are to small to effect large scale change in the sun. It's been going on since before the earth was here. The odds that it poses real danger are slim to none.

  4. See, I told you Jamie that all that time jumping was going to screw up the Earth's sun. Now you've turned the sun into swiss cheese, which of course will turn the whole sun black like sac cloth due to the failure to shut down the tachyon accelerater upon exiting the aperture while releasing heavy magnetic neutron particles upon re-entry back into normal space. Now we got to collapse those time jump rifts/time barrier apertures at their point of accelerated deffusement of neutronic and tachyon partical isotope convertion, so that we can collapse those apertures quickly and safely before the sun turns black like sac cloth and the next seal of revelations is opened and is manifested apon the earth. Who do you think they'll blame for that one shamey…..I don't think they'll buy into Elmo's carelessness on manning the time jumping equipment since he is a puppet and could not have gotten his scientific degree in quantum mechanics anywhere on sesame street.🙀🤣🤭😇 Let me know humanity when you all wish to save yourselves and start turning back to a God that's True….. one you can also Bet on too!!! Preferably before Elmo opens all seven seals of revelations is preferred.lollol

  5. The sun is a runaway uncontrolled nuclear fussion power plant that is both giving us life & taking life & could destroy all life on earth at anytime – solar winds – solar flares – coronal mass ejections – up radiation etc. The earth is a piece of our original sun that blew up billions of years ago – most of the Earth is liquid hot metals & rocks – inner core – outer core – mantal – 60 miles of liquid hot plastic like lava with 60 miles of crust as the out covering where we live. The earth has had 5 previous mass extinctions & we are entering the 6th mass extinction – humans 1st mass extinction – good luck all!

  6. Listening to LBC radio and the Presenter announced that he`d read somewhere that "The Sun was falling apart" Of course I checked scientific sites to check out "The latest daily Apocalypse" which seems to have become a feature of modern life. If its not an all out Nuclear War and we escape that worry instead the bloody Sun is going to blow up!. The 1st site I visited the headline tag was "Something TERRIBLE Is Happening To The Sun, and No One Knows Why!" Ooh dear I thought. THIS IS VERY SERIOUS! I checked other more scientifically based sites which lowered my fears a bit. I am probably wrong here but as we increase our knowledge and ways to study the Celestial bodies we maybe do not fully understand a lot of the things we are observing more closely. Just a thought?
    I remember a big Hoo Ha going back 20 odd years ago when the news was crammed with news that The Moon was drifting further away from Earth and and all the Cataclysmic consequences that WILL cause. They were making out that this was an imminent threat. Looking out of my Window 20 years later and The Moon is still there. Yes one day there awaits many ghastly fates for our Planet but I think Humans will get in there 1st to destroy the Planet.

  7. skin cancer is on the rise cause all the chemicals they put in the water and food that is just a excused to blame man made climate change. You cant tax, stop driving and eat bugs the climate going to what it wants if you like it or not!

  8. The sun is the natural work of supernatural celestial spirits known commonly as angels, not aliens. People don't channel them or summon them. They are sent as God directs them in our midst and the strongest maintain the planets and heavenly realities.


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