Something HUGE is Happening: Elon Musk – The Rebel of Reshaping The World

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Something HUGE is Happening: Elon Musk – The Rebel of Reshaping The World

Something HUGE is Happening: Elon Musk – The Rebel of Reshaping The World
I’m sure you’re excited to move on the next part as part 1 of “Something HUGE is Happening: Elon Musk – Why is the Most Favorite Rebel Billionaire of All Time” has come to an end. So let’s go a deeper to Part 2!
Elon Musk launched an electric car company and sought to transform transportation at a time when everyone was passionate about owning cars with internal combustion engines, and The Tesla marque was ranked as the world’s most valuable car brand in 2022, with a brand value of roughly 75.9 billion U.S. dollars. Something HUGE is Happening: Elon Musk – The Rebel of Reshaping The World

At a time when humanity is dealing with the issue of climate change and our 4.54 billion year-old earth is on the verge of extinction, Elon Musk created SpaceX with the super rocket Starship, the most valuable U.S. startup as its valuation rose to over $125 billion, to build a city on Mars and transform humans into “multi-planetary creatures”. Something HUGE is Happening: Elon Musk – The Rebel of Reshaping The World

With the online payment gateway Paypal, the richest person in the world has helped to alter the non-banking financial sector. Doge Coin or Bit Coin may be a digital currency that you have doubts about, but it’s likely that this is the money that will be utilized and managed in the world of finance in the future. Something HUGE is Happening: Elon Musk – The Rebel of Reshaping The World

Everything previously thought to be impossible has become possible thanks to Elon Musk’s powerful impact and original thinking. It is said that Elon Musk is in complete control of the globe; none of the companies he owns have failed and have transformed into literal “gold.”
So why does Elon Musk think that he can remake the world and humankind? What characteristics helped him succeed? What does this billionaire’s difference look like in practice? Let’s get right into Part 2 of today’s episode: “Something HUGE is Happening: Elon Musk – The Rebel of Reshaping The World”.
Something HUGE is Happening: Elon Musk – The Rebel of Reshaping The World
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49 thoughts on “Something HUGE is Happening: Elon Musk – The Rebel of Reshaping The World”

  1. theres a vid of musk car going out of control with driver inside …
    the car acceleration went to full power killing two people on the streets..
    with driver inside …do we know what went wrong…google it

  2. How damaging is lithium mining?
    Image result for mining lithium
    According to a report by Friends of the Earth (FoE), lithium extraction inevitably harms the soil and causes air contamination. As demand rises, the mining impacts are “increasingly affecting communities where this harmful extraction takes place, jeopardising their access to water,” says the report.
    Is lithium mining sustainable?
    So, is Lithium mining sustainable? Currently, no. But lithium has the potential to do a lot of good, and we hope that, with the increased demand, innovations will be made to make the process better for the environment.
    Is lithium mining worse than fossil fuels?
    “[It's] not like CO2 comes out of the lithium, but it does take energy to mine things — today many of those systems involve emitting CO2.” Lithium-ion battery mining and production were determined to be worse for the climate than the production of fossil fuel vehicle batteries in an article from The Wall Street Journal
    With 8 million tons, Chile has the world's largest known lithium reserves. This puts the South American country ahead of Australia (2.7 million tons), Argentina (2 million tons) and China (1 million tons)

  3. 2:45 "…creating a self-sustaining civilization on Mars would be the greatest adventure…": … and guaranteed to fail.

    But considering 1/2 of Earth's surface is underwater, and the surface of Mars is a less than 1/2 of Earths surface, doesn't it make sense to have his adventure on Earth…creating his self sustaining civilization in the ocean…and being guaranteed success? Heck, he could have an equally difficult conquest with sustaining life on Earths deserts…and they're a whole lot closer.

    And frankly, the most frustrating problems anywhere are political…and those are the problems he's running away from…but will immediately be created for him on Mars.

    Stupid is as stupid does.

  4. Sold all my stock. Demanding employees work 7 days a week or leave is greedy capitalism. Musk makes billions off their labor. I lost my confidence in a man I used to admire, so sad, greed does in so many people.

  5. I guarantee you only the healthy will be able to go over there and all us people with diseases will be suffering here on earth and only the money people will make it over there people with big money like Elon

  6. I DO NOT LIKE THESE ELECTRIC WARS ! WHY DONT THEY STOP WARRING ON US ! LET US JUST BE YOU DINOSAURS. Just either reduce the cost of the vehicles or every state should offer REBATES ! This has gone on far too long now

  7. He's a billionaire oligarch. The end. He has government contracts and rules the economy. Really working class has no chance when these super rich pay to get the tax breaks they want. Yet you making 40 thousand dollars a year have to pay your taxes. The small business has to pay their taxes. I'm so disappointed in America that they can't see this.

  8. i have a question..430 quintillion Joules
    In a single hour, the amount of power from the sun that strikes the Earth is more than the entire world consumes in an year. To put that in numbers, from the US Department of Energy: Each hour 430 quintillion Joules of energy from the sun hits the Earth. That's 430 with 18 zeroes after it!
    what does this mean for the climate change narrative…if some one would like to do the maths please

  9. I responded to your Thanksgiving wishes. right back atcha. I thanked you for many of your decisions and the help u have given America, and her citizens. as usual i have been deleted. I hope the things you have been planning come true. Happy Thanksgiving to you and family.

  10. I am in favor of Tesla autos. However, why have we heard equally bad reports about the time it takes Tesla Service center to fix a problem as regular service centers in some rather public videos also by Tesla fans? And yes, over the air fixes are terrific. I had my TLX fixed by an over the air solution and I was thrilled, back in 2015. I was called by HQ at Acura and they said "Try it now" and the navigation problem went away. And the long time fix videos for the Tesla were prior to the Covid issue. The thing is we have not heard any update on this so I have to assume fix times are not beating the general auto industry as yet. However I do have high hopes.

  11. Let’s pick where & how we want to live on earth, shall we?? Hey if you wanna wean everyone off oil/gas, come to Marfa cuz i got an idea about how you could help me/us save one little backwards with glimpses forwards not acted upon town thats being assaulted by earthquake tremers which i’ve been noticing for quite some time—now we’ve had a 5.4 earthquake out in the oil fields . Lots of fishy business out here that ive been working hard to intuitively unravel… making headway!! But this oil/gas fight is a wee bit bigger than me but i havent given up pushing for life-altering, life-sustaining measures out here in Marfa where no one is the least bit interested in doing anything other than revenge in the local population and doing the latest art buzz in the non-native implants and doing the maximum money/funding grab to extend city government’s use of the Peter principle and use of not fully thought out “indigenous” political ploys of all sorts. Egads, sorry so wordy but within all this tangle I see the tenuous thread of years of alterations trying to keep factions on track understanding that its LIFE itself thats most important to pursue and preserve or none of the other crap is worth half a thought!! And i dont give a shit who is what color or speaks what language or what ethnicity their name might be but i do care about TRUTH & decency & justice & not judging a life based on some silly gossip group’s latest game of telephone developing ways to ostracize anyone they’re jealous about or they just cant figure out so must be bad!! People; WAKE UP to the real evil all around … its you & your ignoring the problems that will kill this town & all of us!!

  12. With all the wealth you by ave ammased why don't you save this planet and this precious humanity..God put us on this planet a nd God will take care of his children,
    Elon come back to God and find salvation,,Stop playing Gold.

  13. The opening slide about the viewer learning the lesson is a bit patronising.

    Then you go on to talk about climate change and earths bring on the brink of extinction, where did that info come from?

    Climate change is a myth. I've core samples show they cycle of earth warning and cooking that correlates to the Earth's position as it rotates around the galaxy and it's distance from the sun.

  14. Elon has done a lot of talking…Elon did not start Tesla it was 2 engineers…Musk came in and took credit for it. His big tunnel turned out to be a disaster…
    His doge coin? Where has all the coins gone south. Musk says a lot but how much is really getting done? Ah unless your a fish you best not take this
    bullshit hook line and sinker.

  15. when I think of starting up a civilization on Mars. There are a few things that need to get up and functional fast. (power grid), (utilities) water, sewer, garbage, (HOSPITALS). Medical, is probably the biggest "cornerstone" that need to be addressed. er, second biggest. Second only to Power.


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