Something From A Worsening Thought Stage 2: "A Realization"

Stage 2 Is the realization of an underlining problem that is not yet been revealed. The individual can tell something is off yet is not actively trying to find out what it is.

00:00 – Static Sounds
04:23 – The Glory of Recollection
07:40 – My Heart Thumbs A Little Faster
11:30 – Happiness Is Finite
13:28 – Everywhere Is Fading

Something From A Worsening Thought is a six part album directly inspired by Leland Kirby’s (aka the caretakers) Everywhere At The End of Time. What the album represents will not be revealed as it’s up to the listeners interpretation.

The Art for stage 2 was made by me

All the songs in stage 2 are old 1930s-1940s songs heavily edited to give the effect of this album. I do not own any of the original tracks


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