Some Occultists try to Escape Energy Harvesting of Saturn/Kronos through (Child)Sacrifice#saturn

Saturn is the Main Reason why people on earth Suffer as it hits the energy field of the individual (astrology chart) on a regular base to harvest energy.

It usually causes destruction, illness and defeat of one’s plans, while the worst cycle is the so-called 7Year Sade Sati Conjunction to the Moon which happens every 30 Years (Kanye West just entered his one).

High Level Occultists attempt all sorts of occult practises to escape the entrapment inside the Astrological Black Sun of Energy Harvesting, while Astrologers have been conditioned to call everything a Life Lesson or Karmic.

Moreover, it is not just Saturn that hits a person on a regular base. Harsh Uranus, Mars, Neptune Aspects are also feared to bring instability, while the worst is probably Pluto that is known to be the worst destroyer of life force, but a lot less frequent than Saturn because it is a slow moving planet (its harsh transits hit a lot less frequent compared to Saturn).


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