Some Highs, Some Lows, But Buggy Makes Me Happy | One Piece Chapters 1057 and 1058 Review

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38 thoughts on “Some Highs, Some Lows, But Buggy Makes Me Happy | One Piece Chapters 1057 and 1058 Review”

  1. Oda said this in his latest interview:
    "When reveals are too big, my readers can guess them since i have foreshadowed them all. Due to this i try to come up with the most interesting developments and always go beyond readers’ imaginations"

    We know that he loves to twist the story, or we could simply say that he loves to troll his readers 🤣

  2. A part of me had been hoping that Yamato wouldn't join the crew just yet. Yes, I said just yet. I think Yamato will still join them later for Laughtale like Oden did with Roger. And the final war too. BUT if Yamato (or Carrot) had joined the crew now, then that would have thrown off a theory I had for the next Straw Hat member. But so far, it is looking more and more like Carrot isn't stowing away. So that lines up with my theory that the next island is going to be Elbaf, and Vivi is going to be there, and she's the 10th member of the crew. It just makes too much sense for it not to happen. Vivi knows Dory and Broggy after all.

  3. I am not convinced that Carrot is going to actually become the ruler of Zou. She was clearly not into the idea and seemed introspective when they mentioned Pedro's will. Parallel that with Yamato further reflecting on Oden's will and deciding to protect Wano. I think Carrot will reflect on Pedro's will and join the straw hats. I think Yamato not joining and Carrot joining will be a double fake out. We haven't as far as I recall been shown the exchange of sake cups to officially welcome Jimbei to the crew and I think that's because we're going to welcome him and Carrot at the same time.

    Might be wishful thinking on my part. I love Carrot and her chemistry with the group and I think she has a lot of room to grow.

  4. Yamato is unfortunate because all that build up went nowhere. Which in hindsight stings because that panel time could easily have been dedicated to more straw hats, anything else really. It's crazy how an arc can feel so long yet also unfinished and rushed. I think this is because there are just too many characters crammed in. We dedicate all this time the Yamato and there's already the scabbards too. It's just a lot. Buggy and Cross guild was the comfort food all one piece fans needed after this long arc ended

  5. Finally got around to finishing the video, I like to listen to them when I’m driving home. I have a soft spot for Characters with a backstory that effect the main story or the protagonist. Being a hero, antihero, or even an antagonist. Kuma’s story is the one I look forward to the most, he is one of my top 5 favorite OP characters, with my favorite devil fruit lol to me Kuma will be the Snape of the OP

  6. Regarding "Kurozumi was made to burn", for those that don't know, it's a Japanese play on words akin to Oden's "Oden was made to be boiled". Kurozumi, though also the surname of Orochi, is the the word for charcoal, which is explicitly made to be burned. She's calling back to her father's death, which I saw as a declaration of hope. Like, "we the people of Wano have suffered under your opression, but we are strong, and we survive. We live, while you must burn and die." We don't know how Wano will face its struggles after Luffy & Co leave, but we can see that they have genuine hope for the future in the leadership of Komurasaki and Momo.

    Nothing wrong with disliking the ending, but I liked it.

  7. What I honestly didn't like is that after all of that Yamato is still trying to be someone else instead of being her own person, she still hasn't learned that being inspired by someone doesn't mean you have to actually BE them, it's sad and disappointing.

  8. While I did want Yamato to join the crew, I’m happy with the route Oda took. Especially after reading 1058. I like that Yamato decided to stay and tour the land of Wano. My only problem is the execution. For me, it would’ve been perfect if Yamato said she wanted to tour Wano because there still a lot he can learn about the country, its people, and history, from living amongst the people and taking in the culture (which he never was able to do because he was trapped on Onigashima).Oda took the simpler route and had him say he was doing get to follow in Oden’s footsteps (which I wasn’t really upset with because it’s on brand for the character who is very eccentric). It would’ve been better if the dialog were changed in my opinion. But I’m still satisfied nonetheless. Hopefully the next time we see Yamato, you will have had a lot of great experiences and growth. Also, that panel with Momo, the scabbards,Hiyori and Yamato was great.

  9. I dont know It never really seemed like yamato was gonna join, the fact she kept saying she wants to join over and over just made it more obvious that oda was gonna pull a fast one and do the opposite. plus her devil fruit is the gurdian of wano so it makes sense that she would stay.

  10. I think there will be a moment where the people of wano try to burn Tama because they think she is a kurozumi and they will be stopped by momo and yamato. And after that hiyori will realize how much weight her words have and the other citizens will also have a change of heart. This way Yamato would fullfill her role as oden and end the chain of hatred which started with odens death

  11. Something I really liked about Yamato staying is how Kaido talked about how he wanted Yamato to be his figure head to guard Wano on his behalf because Yamato aye a sacred DF of Wano. He wanted to use Yamato and their DF to help keep Wano under his heel. But now that Yamato is staying, helping the new true Shogun, flips what Kaido wanted on his head.

  12. There's always been a running joke about Sanji being the fourth in bounties even though many see him as the third strongest. His first bounty in Alabasta was behind Luffy, Zoro, and Robin. His bounty after Dressrosa was behind Luffy, Zoro, and Usopp. It was only after Whole Cake that he moved to third being behind Luffy and Jinbe (just edging out Zoro by 10 million). However now things have returned to normal and Sanji is back to fourth place.

  13. It will be very interesting to see what becomes of the end of Wano in the anime. The show has, on multiple occasions, taken liberties (though I've heard it's with Oda's consent and guidance) but really hope this doesn't become something that Oda uses as a crutch and that this speed was a one time deal. Oda clearly knows how to write though, otherwise why would he put the three best characters on the same crew?

  14. Jinbei s bounty may have also been inflated by the world government as CP0 knew he was getting info from Who's who. Plus Sanji's and Zoro's bounties are directly represented by their birthdays.

    Now the funniest theory I can think of, is Nami has conquerors haki as Luffy is only limited by his imagination. So because Luffy is scared of Nami, he gave her conquerors in his imagination.

  15. I think Yamato is part of the crew, just not setting sail with them immediately, and totally wouldn't be surprised if they gave Yamato a cover story of the wano exploration and have them meet up after that

  16. I just want yamato on the Crew because I'd love another female Crew member but also a really strong one. because right now luffy sanji zoro and jimbei are the strong fighters on the Crew and someone like yamato would arguably rank in the top 3.

  17. The thing with Wano ending is that I can forgive many things because I rlly don't believe we are over with it, we are going to go back to Wano one way or another

  18. Why is it possible for the Fishman to acknowledge their trauma, the way it limits them, the way they are biased by it, but nonetheless see past it? The Wano people undeniably suffered greatly at the hands of of Kaido and Orochi. I didn't need or expect a total 180 to being fine, but tonally that last chapter felt way off for OP. I get that people and groups will have different reactions, and I also don't want to just retread Fishman Island, but I am disquieted.

  19. I think in a way Oda called his shot when he said 10 crew members, and he won't go back on who he has in mind for the final slot. So Yamamoto was Oda teasing us. My money is still on Vivi, we're past the point of recruitment arcs since most of the major players are seemingly on the board, so it's got to be someone we've already met. And it's just like Oda to have Luffy say something like, "what do you mean we already have 10 crewmates, Vivi is just wrapping up her business." It was ages ago to us for the crew it's been I guess like 3 years.

  20. I loved Robin's bounty reaction (or lack thereof) due to the fact that it just shows that she's no longer worried about how high it gets. She's no longer the kid with a 79 Mil bounty who had to learn to not trust anyone to survive. Her calmness shows how much she knows that the crew she's a part of won't let anything happen to her, no matter how high that bounty gets.


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