Soldier Spills the Beans on What Went Down

In this video we are going to cover several strange and weird encounters. True Crime Channel:


41 thoughts on “Soldier Spills the Beans on What Went Down”

  1. Come on ! Do you really think that giant reptiles are not still in existence anymore in and around a massive jungle like the Amazon jungle ? I was U.S. military too and I have seen these creatures up close 10 ft or so. The one that I witnessed was over 12 feet long and stood up to 5 feet tall. It looked like some kind of lizard Iguana with multiple colors on it blue, orange, green, etc. It had a mouth over a foot wide and seemed quite docile. But when you see one you know you have no chance against it because of its possible lightning speed. I supposed at the time that it was eating alligators and their eggs. These giant creatures still exist and you have to be very weary about where you are and what your doing, they can sneak around unseen and you really can't hear them moving around in the deep bush to easily. True story.

  2. I so wish someone would draw a picture of a big buck, sitting up in a tree stand pointing a gun at a couple guy's below, and them laying on the ground all bloody from getting shot!! I hate tree stand's!! 😣

  3. "Wich is not good for you if you have vertigo". That's 2 story's I've heard you read with the identical sentence. Wondering if you wrote them both?? Lol if your going to cheat your subscribers. Do it right!

  4. The first story was really interesting! It really grabbed my attention our 'perfect' world we foolishly claim to have completely mapped & recorded every man, creature, bird, & beast yet where are these humaniod things boiling up from if everything out there has already been documented? Clearly somebody who had one job & failed miserably at it..?

  5. Donovan, I've seen what looked like predator camo moving thru the trees. I think it knew I was watching it, but it didn't kill me. Ever been in the woods and felt the sense of being watched? Ever seen convection currents shimmering on a hot day? Kind of like that, but not like that. I said, "I'm not afraid of you. If you're gonna kill me, then kill me. Or don't." (Truth be told I was shitting my britches.) There are things we humans don't as yet understand.

  6. My dad let me know he was present by turning my lights on. I finally helped him on his way by creating a yacht in my mind and helping him to sail away on it. He always dreamed of one day owning a 60 footer and exploring the seas.

  7. Ok I use these stories to sleep to, but come on ffs the first two stories…. One even I know u don't parachute into a jungle and the second a wendigo don't have horns that came from the internet and silver bullets are for werewolves… Come on put a little bit of research into your lies

  8. You or anyone will never believe me or my wife, what happen to us….We live in the UK….This is evil…..Nothing to do with ghost….My wife had a stoke….I can still see the reptilian….

  9. Hi Donovan..I just had a thought ..or epihany perhaps? Out of these hundreds of Bigfoot and werewolf and other spooky creatures that have been supposedly seen by folks? who always have blurry pics on their cameras? Theres not been one clear close up of a dead one hanging from a tree. Why Not? the arent bullet proof! But? they are all over the web now ? why? heres my theory! Because its all bull shit for one reason!! We are headed for something BIG to happen in this country. An attack from China…more then likely? And the powers that be? The ones making sure we have junk in our stores and fast food resturants? Giving most of us Diabetes and Cancer? We all know it…Well There is also a lot of talk about thousands of people getting prepared to BUG OUT..its called? What better way to keep people out of our millions of acres of Federally owned lands..?then to have them to scared to do so!? Its just a thot? But in my mind…a very feasable one…just sayin. Im NOT a conspiracy me! But year after year..I keep wondering WHY? Dont one of these so called creatures end up on the front page of some news paper??? All I can come up with is? Cause they arent real…

  10. Whoever reads this who's in charge of squads in the military .: Don't kill the reptilian next time . Tranquilize it with a dart gun or whatever you have. That way you can keep it alive and attempt to communicate with it. Search me out and I'll help you.

  11. Was coming to a conclusion that we need before this next election comes up we need on the ballot do you believe in Bigfoot or do you believe it's a joke we need to get a consensus on how many people or other species know that Bigfoot exist who knows Bigfoot might get in line and check the box…heck NO! And if he does truly exist would he be considered an American citizen once you get off the trail and back into the office you got to go through the data trick or treat..2022..over..2023- run

  12. Congratulations on telling us all the plots of Predator,Jeepers Creepers,Antlers and possibly a mix of The Devil rides out and Ghostbusters. Great stories but I’m sorry I’m on the fence with these.

  13. WHEN I LISTEN TO THESE STORIES,it becomes clear,AMERICA could never win a war,their own shadow scares them to death,and anything thats real will easily get them ,their never armed and yet they never have their mother with them for protection..


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