Solar Auxilia and Militia Vehicles – Tanks in the Age of Darkness – Horus Heresy – Age Of Darkness

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00:00 Intro
02:29 Dracosan
06:28 Aurox
09:52 Arvus Transports
16:47 Lightening Strike fighter
18:54 Thunderbolts
23:01 Leman Russes
36:19 Malcadors
40:41 Artillery, Valdor and Infurnus
46:59 Carnodons
49:42 Termite
51:51 Armoured Support Tercio
57:51 Minotaurs
59:31 Cargo 8s
01:01:57 Gorgon
01:04:46 Rhino, Proteus and Termie (Survivors of the DA)


7 thoughts on “Solar Auxilia and Militia Vehicles – Tanks in the Age of Darkness – Horus Heresy – Age Of Darkness”

  1. So I've been playing a whole lot of Militia lately, I actually have two different militia armies under construction right now but am testing them out regularly on tabletop simulator and the likes. One is a fighty abhumans list, no tanks aside from the occasional transport and just massed infantry and artillery. The other is a slower, shootier list that makes more use of tanks and rapiers, and I have to say that tanks in militia feel even better than they do in Solar Auxilia. The shooty tank heavy list definitely does better in bigger games (though my abhumans are more fun I find) and it's all down to how powerful efficient the Leman Russ, the Malcador, and especially the Baneblade can be. Like 400 points for a baneblade in militia is a bloody steal, 3rd line barely matters for it and malcadors. It'll still be an uphill struggle against marines but Militia can be unexpectantly good in a straight slugging match.

    And no, I've never found anything useful to put in a Gorgon

  2. hi i have played in 3 games 2 gorgon with full laser with good success ….but i have build the list for made a sense of this models (i play a list with industrial stronghold and armory) and obiviusly you dont have a really outstanding unit to put in, but with relic weapon is good put somthing to preserve your core damage output vs inf models. Basically i have used to put granadiers with needle weapons + 20 conscript for shielding it wen they disembark. Also my list is really heavy on lascannon vanquisher counts i play al ot of basic leman with vanquisher and 2 thunderbolt . with so many tanks is really useful have 2 superhavy with 6+6 lascannon . my list is really only fire based i have no cc at all, evry unit have a pinning weapon, needlers and sniper rifles and i play a culexus for try to pin more unit as possible and seem work good

  3. Great video, these are some really good insights into probably the most vehicle dependent factions in the game! It's a shame the Vanquisher/Executioner are just so much better value than their counterparts.

    I'll chime in for the Carnadons though, especially running all Volkite. 11 S6 Deflagrate shots per tank for 70 points is better than their equivalent in Velitares. The extra AV12 hull points helps push the critical level of "how many tanks can you kill" higher for the opponent to deal with, and being defensive weapons they're a pretty intimidating target to shoot at for most infantry or light vehicles. I took 3 in my 3000pt list recently and was so impressed I'm adding another 3 in.

  4. Unit prices don't make sense across alot of codexs, Gws inconsistent approach is rediculous. I honestly don't know how they continue to function as a company at times. It's likely a brand new Solar army codex will come out for heresy. Quite possible and new plastics. And all the points are redone. I have a feeling the books We got are to tie things over and then as it goes along each legion gets it's own book with all rules, general and it's own special units, missions, lore, campaigns etc in detail. The new solar army release will maybe show us this.

  5. A little note on Arvus, they seems bad true, BUT, they are the only way for milita to deep strike and bring mobility to the army. Something to note, arvus can hover, which means if they get destroyed, passenger suffer from the normal damage, not the flying one. It means it is a safe deep strike for the passenger as reaction are made against the arvus, and as it is hovering, passenger can disembark normally or forced to disembark with little damage as the arvus get intercepted and destroyed. 12 grenadiers with assault needler in deep strike are no joke.


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