So the New Republic is hiring war criminals now?


38 thoughts on “So the New Republic is hiring war criminals now?”

  1. Im sorry how does a stone age tribe become hackers and flight crew in just a few short years of the end of the Empire? Wookies clearly had tech and proved to be an inter system species but the Ewoks? C’mon man! Id accept one as part of a bounty hunting crew as an expert hunter/tracker but a slicer???

  2. You know… they use to say the same thing during the American Indian Wars… not so much eating people alive (tho, those rumors and lies did exist), as mich as scalping people dead and alive.

  3. Lucas' based the whole conflict in Star Wars on WW2 and Vietnam. The allies turned a blind eye to individuals and companies that did some bad war crime level stuff if they were beneficial to rebuilding post war Germany and Japan. Also Nazi scientists were grabbed up for what they could offer with no threat of prosecution unless you got snatched by the Soviets. Then that was a gulag for you when not developing stuff for them. So we shouldn't be surprised the New Republic would ignore stuff like that to rebuild as well.

  4. But the Ewoks aren't living in the galaxy at large, even with our society's modern standards we don't drive tanks on to Sentinel Island and try to force our ways on the Cannibals there. The Ewoks have agreed to no such bylaws and to force them on them would be a violation of their Rights and Galactic law.

  5. Are we suggesting ALL Ewoks commitTed war crimes? Isn't this speciesism?

    Also, the New Republic's values are questionable: they already employ a known war criminal in the person of Chopper, and much of its military were spice runners and/or terrorists – in Cassian's own words 'spies, sabateurs, assassins'.


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