SnowRunner BEST truck showdown: Battle of the KINGS

Four highly powerful trucks, a number of gruelling tests to see which is the best truck. Which will be crowned the king of SnowRunner and will it be a close fight? Press play to find out.

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A Tribe Called Cars is a car and gaming YouTube channel and website, founded by motoring editor Ben Griffin.

Thank you for watching!

0:00 Intro
1:24 The contenders
2:08 Hill climb
3:33 Swimming
4:04 Sticky stuff
4:51 Addons
7:33 Cargo spectacular
9:37 Speed
10:38 Turning
11:12 Deadly ice
11:44 The winner?


37 thoughts on “SnowRunner BEST truck showdown: Battle of the KINGS”

  1. Love the four candles reference Ben ๐Ÿ˜‚ As far as the trucks, I have them all, and the 605R is always my go to truck, unless it requires chains or a low saddle, because apart from those things, there's not much it can't do. I still use them all though, because they all have a purpose. Great video as usual mate, can't wait until the 18th as I have the pass. Looking forward to that.

  2. Nice video mate. Where would you reckon the kolob 74760 ranks in ure offroad ability? IRL its an mzkt and the mzkt 7429 in mudrunner was one of the best at sheer offroading.

  3. The Zikz 605r is still the best of this list in my opinion, an absolute terrain monster. And definitely worth the hard work and effort to acquire it. I would probably put the Azov 7 or 612H ahead of it, if they didn't have those huge noses that constantly smack into things. I will say though, that the 605r does lack versatility when it comes to body add-ons etc.

  4. My personal tier list:
    1. Kolob 74760 – absolute UNIT of a heavy, looks aggressive as it is.
    2. Voron Grad – Because sometimes the cure for getting stuck is just putting the pedal down HARDER
    3. Dan 96320 – It's DAN.
    4. YAR 87 – Because pirates don't give 2 salted pickles about terrain.
    BONUS – 5. Step 310E – Because STEPbrother doesn't get stuck.

  5. One thing to not about the Derry is it's a lot more top heavy than the other trucks and prone to tipping even before you raise its active suspension. Also it's main party trick of the big water tank got stolen by the 612.
    While the Mastodon is supposed to be a sidegrade to the 605 the amount of extra utility you get compared to how little you actually sacrifice just makes it a no brainer for most jobs. With the four slot bed and some double stacking of unpacked cargo it's easy to carry 8 slots worth on a very capable and stable truck. Sometimes much more. It's ice tires absolutely suck and it feels weak and underpowered with them on but that's the only drawback. Oh and it likes to eat dirt thanks to it's big chin just like the Azov. Unlike the Azov it can usually bully itself back out.

  6. The azov 73210 is very powerful and has high utility, but for me this truck does not work out. I cannot get anywhere, sometimes in moderately easy terrain because the nose gets stuck everywhere. The 612h has a smaller and higher nose, so thats okay. For bumpy wooden river crossings, the 605r is best

  7. 1: Tayga 6436
    2: Pacific P512 PF
    3: Western Star 6900 Twinsteer
    4: Tatra T813
    5: White Western Star 4964
    6: ZiKZ 5368

    7: Freightliner 114SD
    8: Ford F 750
    9: GMC MH9500
    10: YAR 86

  8. The 612H's transmissions are broken currently, and im sure youre all aware of the "upgrades" on PTS. Right now only the Fine-Tune transmission allows the engine to make its peak power (and it makes its peak power in every gear) hence frequent wheel stalls without and disproportionately better performance with…

    Tire selection is also a huge factor here, and its not always best to take mud tires, but its a good rule of thumb… Im trying to maybe put together a video on this and many other things but just not sure where to start to be honest.

  9. I remember before I quit snowrunner, the Mastadon was a mod truck and good god it was overpowered, but not in a cheat way, in a S tier truck way. I ended up quitting because some of the mods were basically cheats, but also coincidentally my favorite truck so it was hard to get over my biases. I've recently come back to snowrunner to play with my partner, and it's refreshing getting a new perspective, because even the white western star beginner truck is capable for just about everything in the right hands.

  10. Tayga 6436 overall wins hands down IMHO. BUTโ€ฆ. when it got really tough from about Amur on the 605R is unbeatable. 612 is just too big and clumsy and I just found the Derry average and the 73210 gets stuck too much with the small wheels. So from me the 605 wins it without a doubt.

  11. Let me guess…. the winner is Tayga "King" LOL. Edit: Yup. How the Tayga "King" outperforms some of the behemoth trucks in the game has basically become a running joke.

  12. Wow, apparently nobody likes the Tatra FORCE as much as a I do ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ™ƒ. This is the best truck in the game for me.
    – The special crane makes it ridiculously easy to overload (up to 6-8 slots, even oversized containers fit easily in the back of the 2 slot cargo bed)
    – it has fantastic fuel economy, it goes absolutely on forever
    – it is very stable. Even when you tip it, itโ€™s often possible to restart it and get it upright using itโ€™s own crane (by pointing into the ground)
    – with the multipurpose gearbox itโ€™s actually quite fast
    – it only gets stuck in the thickest of mud/snow.
    – even in ice you can sometimes save the truck with (again) the fantastic CRANE (did i mention it was great?)
    – the crane also makes it easy to load a scout on the cargo bed. So you can do a trick in new maps: scout in the back and prototype radar trailer hinged behind. Every time you want a scan: unload scout, attack radar to it, scan ๐Ÿ’ฅ, then tow scout back onto the tatra, etc. This combo is faster and has more fuel than just scout +radar.

    (may the Tatra be with you โœŒ๐Ÿป)

  13. out of curiosity did you use advanced special on the 612 if so i suggest trying fine tune on this truck the advanced special is bugged fine tune is miles ahead of it


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