Snowmobiler Television 2024 Episode 02

Jeff reflects on his time with Goldmember, then makes a trade with Jeremy at JT’s for another project sled!


22 thoughts on “Snowmobiler Television 2024 Episode 02”

  1. Our first new sled was a 1980 340 F/A-$1500 out the door. Still have it at the parents old barn. We drove the crap out if it as kids when there was no such thing as trails. Had to talk nice to dad to get a 20 l pail of gas to mix up every week, no oil injection on it. Kind of give a bit of inspiration to dig it out get it running.

  2. Pray to god nothing decides to go south.
    I had one ‘79 Drifter back in the early nineties. Worked great until the CDI went if memory serves serve me correctly.
    Took over a year to find one.
    After that adventure it was sold .


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