Sniper Bullet that Can Hit Any Spot Exactly (From 10-miles Away)

The Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance self-steering bullet is poised to redefine the role of a sharpshooter.

Conceived in the 2000s, the concept not only offers troops in the frontline enhanced capabilities but also guarantees safety when engaging a far-off target.

The EXACTO bullet developed by DARPA has already been tested against natural phenomenons that were otherwise insurmountable for a regular sniper, and it can outmaneuver wind and dust, conferring almost superhuman abilities to a human element.

As the industry awaits the deployment of this remarkable piece of military technology, EXACTO promises to harness the power of precision-guided missiles, all within a tiny bullet.


31 thoughts on “Sniper Bullet that Can Hit Any Spot Exactly (From 10-miles Away)”

  1. Everything I’ve seen in this video makes me think this is BS.
    Smart bullet? Ok I can get behind that idea, but this video does nothing to make me think the person that put this together has any idea what he talking about.

  2. It’s all bullshit as the image from the bullet cut in half is from a movie and the other images are from tank rounds. As for the range footage, that’s just CGI. They did make a scope with enhanced ballistics information and targeting to improve aiming at long distances and accuracy. The tracking bullets is fake.

  3. This tech could be used against us. If some bad person got ahold of it they could perform much easier attempts to kill our leaders. 🙁 I sure hope Darpa is working on force fields too. Cause you need to protect yourself from these kinds of attacks.

  4. Sure. But how much does a bullet like this cost? I doubt if it's financially feasible to outfit entire squadrons with this type of ammo. Looks like a non starter to me. I guess maybe if only for snipers but every grunt in the field is going to want this type of ordinance.

  5. Yay! We're so proficient at killing people! It still amazes me how much effort, money, resources and young minds are used for this. Only a small fraction of it goes to education. So young engineers graduate heavy in debt and the allure of high pay for killing machines brings them to this field. Instead of medicine or useful technology.


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