Sleep Hypnosis For Deep Sleep [Strong] Overcome Anxiety & Depression

This strong hypnosis for deep sleep will help you reduce anxiety and depression, clear your mind and relax into a night of deep sleep. The black screen format will help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

0:00 Introductory music
0:06 Disclaimer
0:32 Induction
3:31 Deepeners
4:21 Sleep Hypnosis
9:50 Body Scan
14:31 Breathing Relaxation
20:37 Visualisation of a Moonlit Beach
23:49 The magic portal of nothingness
37:12 Alone in the portal
40:44 Questions For The Universe & Law of Attraction
41:30 Create It To Feel It
45:05 Express Your Gratitude
49:05 Returning To Your Physical Body
50:57 Wind down to Sleep

I have written this listening experience for anybody and everybody to tune into at any time – whether you are listening to reduce anxiety, overcome negativity in your life, eliminate self-doubts and fears… or simply to relax and fall asleep.

In this session, you will quickly and safely guided into trance, where you will be able to use your powerful subconscious mind to ease away all stresses and strains so that you can drift quickly and easily into a full night of uninterrupted sleep.

This video also contains elements of the laws of attraction, which state that if you can combine strong visualisation for what you want to achieve combined with strong emotions and powerful statements of intent, you will be able manifest anything you want – from improved health to a better career to more financial security.

This session is a 60-minute spoken hypnotic experience set against a background audio of relaxing cosmic music.

A consistent theme in many of my videos is the concept of bringing your mind away from the past and from the future… and back to the present. The negative emotions associated with looking backwards with regret and remorse, as well as looking forwards with fear and apprehension not only make it difficult to stop your mind spinning at night time, they also hamper your ability to make positive changes to your life.

When you are able to place your mind in the present moment, you are free from those emotional burdens and better able to focus on what you want to achieve, instead of what you don’t want to happen.

This audio track is safe and suitable for frequent listening – as many times as you wish. Since hypnosis helps induce positive behavioural change, a different version of you will be listening each time and so your subconscious will enjoy a different experience on each occasion you tune in.

When listened to on a regularly, this hypnosis session can help reduce anxiety, stress and other stress-related issues, such as insomnia, OCD and depression. Also, when you have a full night of quality sleep and rest, you will be better prepared to face life’s day-to-day challenges in a more positive, solution-focused way.

PLEASE NOTE: This audio track is for entertainment and relaxation purposes only. It is not intended to prevent, treat or cure any medical condition. Do not listen while driving, operating or using machinery of any kind, or if you are in any place or situation where relaxing and/or falling asleep may endanger yourself or others.

I do hope you enjoy and benefit from this deep sleep guided mediation and self-hypnosis experience.

Thank you for listening. Nick


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Written and recorded by Nicholas Wright
Original vocals and video by Nicholas Wright
© 2023 All Rights Reserved

Background music: “Unwind” by Chris Collins.
Licensed for use on YouTube from

Thumbnail image: Guillermo Ferla –


44 thoughts on “Sleep Hypnosis For Deep Sleep [Strong] Overcome Anxiety & Depression”

  1. Fantastic to see you back, dear Nick. I have never needed your calmness as I have now. Divine timing as I am over in the US helping my elderly mum that is hell bent on staying here. 😂 Oh dear. I have been here for 6 weeks now and am so longing to be back in the UK. Yes, I am overwhelmed. Thank you so much for your affirmations and calming voice. Love, and blessings to all. 🙏🏻💕

  2. Goodmorning Nicholas, So I have used your hypnosis a few times, It's verrrry relaxing, you have great voice by the way. My problem is,I can't stay asleep. It takes me about 30 minutes for me to fall asleep. Do you have any suggestions?? I do use a sleep aid.
    Thank you so much. Nicholas have a wonderful New Year

  3. Hello I’m new to your channel and looking forward to a great sleep. I have terrible insomnia. Thank you so much. I appreciate you! Have a wonderful and healthy new year!🍀

  4. Hi Nick. I heard you were sick a while back. I always intended to reach out to you, but as you probably can image it can be a bit hard for the viewer to find the right words. Its like I know you well, but this is probably the first time you've seen me in your comment section.. Because Im pretty sure this is my first comment on your channel.. Anyway, I want you to know that you are a massive help in my day to day life. Im really thankful. It was a family member of mine who initially recommended your work to me, as I have trouble sleeping.. And I've used your videos a lot. I just want to give you your flowers while you're here, and I also pray that you will heal up back to full health soon, God willing. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you, Nick.


  5. Happy New Year everyone, I have spent this evening with people who know what living means, someone suffering with cancer who just wants to live in the moment it is so humbling and with friends who have shown me how to love and live in the moment, I hope everyone has lived this kind of evening ❤️

  6. happy new years! its around 6am here and ive been kinda jittery and nervous but im quite sure this'll send me right to sleep. glad to have you back, nick. hope you got the break you needed

  7. Hello, I am new to your channel. So many people have said so many nice things about you. I am glad I have come across your channel. I think I am going to be here for a while listening to you because this was very relaxing for my family. We needed this relaxation so much. Anxiety is so high at the moment. So far the family has seem to have found peaceful sleep. Thank you and may you be blessed.🥱😴💤

  8. Lovely to hear your voice on a new track ❤ Thank you so much for all of the pleasure that your work has given me. I wish you a long, happy and very healthy life. If it’s possible to send healing energy, I’m definitely sending it. Best to you and your family.

  9. Dear Nickolas Wright thank you for your videos. All are very precious. Myself, i noticed that I am mostly affected (relax, sleep) by those with no background music or even the beutiful natural sounds . It's like I " have " it already "inside" me. It's very beautiful to hear, to believe and to acknowledge that voice asking us to trust _ and all the carefully selected words and phrases. Thank you, have a nice year , with health and joy in your life.


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