Sky News Breakfast: Energy bills rise yet again for millions of households

On Sky News Breakfast with Anna Jones this Saturday morning:

– Energy bills rise yet again for millions of households as temperatures start to fall but there’s help to cushion the blow
– The largest rail strike in decades is set to paralyse the network, causing a weekend of disruption for commuters
– The Prime Minister admits for the first time that the mini-budget caused disruption but insists her government took the right action.

#energycrisis #railstrike #minibudget

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35 thoughts on “Sky News Breakfast: Energy bills rise yet again for millions of households”

  1. Paying for people's energy bills was already priced into the bond market, the not so mini budget that they decided to announce on a Friday afternoon just before the markets closed for the weekend wasn't! It's amazing how the simple facts get lost in the noise….

  2. is the monetary, arms support for Ukraine causing a significant impact on cost rises and commodity shortages. Is it now time to change direction from the " Gang Mentality " of sanctions and demand Government do their jobs. That would be find a peaceful solution

  3. Liz is ridiculous. "It was really, really important that we were able to get help to families as soon as possible". The policy changes which crashed the economy have absolutely no immediate impact in regards to supporting people struggling with energy bills right now. She's absolutely deluded

  4. Maybe stop giving Billions of Pounds to Immigrants and Eastern Europeans and start focusing on the British people.
    I rather be seen as a country of Racists as long as the British People are put 1st at all costs.
    Britain 1st!!!!!!!!

  5. Why does all news media in the UK refer to this Russia move as a legitimate annexation? It's nothing of the sort. "Russia has officially annexed…" no, Russia made some crap up and wrote it on a paper as some way to legitimize the war it started.

  6. Millionaires all over the world rich of the backs of workers will not be cold.
    Keep voting for your favorite and hope for the best.
    2022 and coyotes take better care of one another than a human can!

  7. Being cold in winter was something which was very normal for the generation of my parents, an all generations before that.
    We've just been spoiled for decades having that heat in winter. Now, energy just isn't as readily available and the Truss government sure isn't going to solve it.
    So just keep your heating off and play cards instead of video games.

  8. Okay, relax folks, here's the solution to the problem; 1. Give yet more money to the illegal government in Ukraine. 2. Put more sanctions on Russia to ensure our cheap energy costs are ended., 3. Reduce the taxes of the richest people. 4. Lock down people to ruin small business. 5. Encourage people not to work by giving out free, printed money. 6. Elect more people based on positive discrimination and quotas regardless of merit. 7. Continue to feminise society by creating a nanny state devoid of risk, daring, and innovation, while letting people play the victim on the slightest pretext. 8. End discipline at school and in the family by undermining the role of men and the father figure. 9. Confuse everyone by preaching multiple genders. 10. Divert police effort from catching criminals to working as 'thought police' to enforce an even stronger woke agenda.
    How does that sound?
    Go woke and go broke.


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