Skipping Argos Why I Am Staying at 1340 in Lost Ark

If you saw the new Lost Ark patch notes, Argos was just released and although exciting, I am quite disappointed. The main reason why I feel disappointed is because the majority of the player base including myself cannot access Argos yet. Yes I know I will eventually get there and I am time gated, however I think the pacing for Lost Ark is honestly way too fast for casual players and as a hardcore player it still feels very fast especially if Smilegate wants us all at T3. Honestly I would like to have Argos added a few weeks later, which would give the rest of the player base more time to actually hit T3 or be closer.

I am currently in T3 and was hoping for rumored gear honing changes in today’s patch and it didn’t come. It is what it is and I decided to enhance my gear today to 1340 and realized how expensive it actually is. I knew that it was expensive however actually going through the enhancement is another story and the cost really adds up. This made me change my T3 strategy on how to get to 1370 in Lost Ark and what I’m going to do go forward. Take advantage of the high prices now, because content may be there forever however blue crystal rates will continue to go up over time. This is the time to take advantage of the price disparity between the Auction House and Mari’s Secret shop. Hopefully some of these tips will help you make some gold, blue crystals, and richer in Lost Ark. Good luck on your gear honing chances out there!


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38 thoughts on “Skipping Argos Why I Am Staying at 1340 in Lost Ark”

  1. This is the time to take advantage of blue crystal and T3 mat prices. The amount of gold that you can generate at T3 is way more then T2/T1 it's worth it to push at least 1 character to T3 even though you may want to relax and play at a slower pace. Content is there forever, however blue crystal prices will most likely continue to rise.

  2. we'll get there eventually. I'm not that insane to race with paying player to that magic number. I just keep in tracks my honing mats selling the tradable and using the bound one.

  3. That's an excellent strategy, I'm going to do the same, I currently have my main at 1355, my 1st alt at 1270 (I missed 1 part of the blue chaos set to get to 1302, sadge) and my 2nd alt at 990. I hope to raise the 990 to 1302 in these days and so do as you say farm T3 materials, sell it, buy crystals and go buying the cheap stuff from mari's shop. and go slowly making my main reach 1370. My question is; Should I leave my 2 alters at 1302 or would it be better to raise them to 1340 (so they can also do the Abyssal dungeons) and after having them at 1340 start with the process of selling / buying to raise my main?

  4. 1340? Im not even gonna attempt that, I'm good at 1325 selling mats, no way im trying 60% with such expensive mats knowing sometime in the future they will raise the honing rate.

  5. people that rushed are brain dead lol Argos gear cant even be traded and u only get 2500 g on a clear lol i make 6k gold a day selling tier 3 mats and 25k first day on reset selling tier 3 mats thats legit just selling tier 3 mats not to mention other ways i make gold lol + my roster and tomes are high and i have every card but one in light of salvation the best card set in the game. These whales are going to be light years behind only being worried about il lol.

  6. i think the only valid reason to go 1370 atm is because theres cool new content yo could do and the dailies give you bound greater leapstone which you can stock up on over time , but ye overall amazon games just trying to milk the whales by rushing content which is so dumb for the health of the game

  7. I got main and alt in 1340 but i cant do more alts anymore, it was so fcking annoying to get past t1 and t2… and now if I gotta also do the cvontinints since I dont got more stronghold skips… nope. give me punika boosts

  8. Good strategy mate. No point to rush. They released to make more money, simple. There is a loots of ppl who already spend over a $10k to reach 1370. Thanks to AGS we don't have the honning patch to increased a little bit t3. Fucking grabbing and greedy ppl staying behind this game. Atm I'm slowly leveling alts, trying to enjoying the game and not frustrating. Chill out.

  9. Yeahh idk it's suboptimal for sure to push now with the uncertainty if the patch will even drop or not but I'm 1350 and not frustrated with honing just yet plus aside from argos you also unlock hardmode of your abyssal dungeons on 1370 allowing you to get your set bonus at last. That bit will make it a lot more fun for me to run into PvP islands and shitlord around a bit until we got more players ready for content instead of snoozefesting for something that might not even happen considering amazon is bad at making healthy decisions for games. Totally understand the 1340 strat it's the smarter play most likely but yeahh that'd kinda suck the fun out of the game for me I'm on a roll now so I wanna keep it rolling :p

  10. Bro I got to T3 the other day on my main ( and a couple T2 Alts) and within 48 hours of getting to T3 I made like almost 10k gold lol, it’s wild how much u can actually make selling T3 stuff, my only worry is if everyone starts doing this same thing, it might effect the market to where T3 mats start dropping in price cus everyone’s selling, I’ve already noticed T3 mats dropping in price heavily, within the last 5-6 days they’ve gone down a lot, but still there is profit to be made I just hope it doesn’t get to a point where there’s no profit, I guess at that point you stop selling and start honing

  11. My friends all decided to accumulate resources at 1340 due to the honing change rumors before the Argos patch, and continued hoarding due to the post-patch outrage. After the recent announcement letter pretty much confirmed no honing changes are on the way, we all made a run for 1370 with our stockpile from the past couple of weeks. A couple got close, the rest no so much. Those that weren't blessed with RNG are going to be stuck for an extra 2 weeks. Nobody reached 1370. Over the past couple of days, our discord has gotten pretty quiet. People have been going their separate ways to play Elden Ring or the other MMOs/live-service games that they came from. We're not even playing alts as much anymore, just accruing rested day after day without the motivation to actually do anything. Maybe next week with the new activities we'll see some more fun and enjoyment with the game, but overall things seem bitter and miserable.

  12. Definitely nothing wrong with this, however, the amount of gold u can make from running argos and selling jewelry is about 100x the amount u will make off selling mats haha so it's up to you which you would prefer.

  13. I’m at 1350 right now.. I think I now will try to focus and get my alts to tier 3, and use my main to try and make some gold.. I have like 200 gold left max, poor man

  14. Ya i fell your pain man. i suffered by the contain fails honing also. it is getting very frustrating. First time around and you like to try out and play other classes, than 1340 is a good point in the game to working on your alts. But if you wanna be rich fast, than push your one character to 1370+ and farming abyss hard mode, that is where your top earning is at. it all depend on you, either way is good in my opinions. waiting for something that could never happen patches is not the way to go around. well good luck on your rng.


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