Skeleton Man is an Awful Movie for Unattractive People

The Possum tells you about the 2004 Syfy Channel movie Skeleton Man.


37 thoughts on “Skeleton Man is an Awful Movie for Unattractive People”

  1. Michael Rooker cares not about the quality of movies he's in. You can tell he just loves being in them, most likely at low pay. The man is a legend.

  2. As I thought "haha, the possum has better jokes than the jokes in the movie he's making fun of!" I remembered that this was supposed to be a horror movie and quietly chuckled to myself.

  3. Possum Reviews is the Possum who Reviews.

    There is garbage, he speaks of the garbage.

    He does not read the comments.

    Once, a Doctorate in Shaym, but now, a lowly Possum, Reviewing things, Reviewishly.

    I have already put more thought and coherence into this comment than the people who made this movie put into their $2,000,000 money laundering scheme i mean movie.


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