SKALD: Against the Black Priory | New Teaser trailer

Wishlist SKALD: Against the Black Priory:

The dragons stirs in the void and an empire trembles. The rule of the magi Lords is failing. Where now shall we place our faith? In the low cunning of the sell swords? Or in the golden dead to whom we offer prayers? Certainly not in the foul magical praxis of witches and lay sorcerers. No, this is our punishment.

We woke the dragon and for us, there is no salvation.

This new teaser trailer shows new gameplay, highlights the new improved visual effects in and out of combat as well as revealing more about the Skald world!

Anders Lauridsen and Raw Fury are teaming up for ‘SKALD: Against the Black Priory’, a retro-style RPG set in a grim-dark fantasy world of tragic heroes, violent deaths and Lovecraftian horror. Explore an engaging branching story mixed with exploration and crunchy tactical, turn-based combat that will engage RPG fans, old and new.

SKALD: Against the Black Priory is a retro-style RPG set in a grim-dark fantasy world of tragic heroes, violent deaths and Lovecraftian horror. Explore an engaging branching story mixed with exploration and crunchy tactical, turn-based combat that will engage RPG fans, old and new.
Skald: Against the Black Priory will be available on PC, Mac and Linux via Steam and GOG. Wishlist now on Steam for more updates.

#rpg #indiegames #retrogames #lovecraftian


14 thoughts on “SKALD: Against the Black Priory | New Teaser trailer”

  1. Science finally proves libs/progs have abnormal brains/abnormal thinking, they are one step closer to finding a cure for leftism. progressivies are so unpopular they get boo'd off stage at public events the biden recession has begun bernie bros poll finds bernie/progressives ideology/policies are very unpopular and increasing in unpopularity no one wants bernie to run in 2024 cuz he's too unpopular/divisive and bernie lost all his popularity to Trump lol even HRC is more popular than bernie sanders. bernie doesn't even reach 5% support the libs/progs are becoming even crazier after roe v wade being repealed and ppl are going to vote for republican in droves because of the left's insanity LOL they want biden to step down cuz of the high gas prices bernie bros… and at this point it's very obvious the left are hampering oil/gas refinery production on purpose. bernie bros… the progressives just lost another historic region that flipped republican cuz ppl are upset over the high gas prices/inflation and the left is about to lose another as well. the economy has come crashing down under biden unhinged prog/canadian goes viral exposing libs/progs unpopular ideology and also explains why nina turner and bernie sanders lose elections they all have one thing in common crazy eyes. (which makes progs look like total nutjobs to the average voter) conservatives expose biden with old video that makes him even more unpopular now. the economy is quickly falling apart mwahahaha


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