SITREP 2.6.23 – Fox Two Pro – Chinese Balloon No More!

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25 thoughts on “SITREP 2.6.23 – Fox Two Pro – Chinese Balloon No More!”

  1. Ukraine – Russia manufactured "war" to get more monetary support from the U.S. We, are the idiots, because we keep sending money and equipment and yet the next step for them is more money and equipment. Yep, we are being shafted by Ukraine/Russia and Byedone just keeps supporting this….maybe because his share of the spoils are hitting his bank account too!

  2. That balloon should have been shot down the INSTANT it crossed into US Territorial Waters.
    Should NEVER have been allowed to fly over Alaska, much less CONUS.

    Fact is the fed gov't is so in bed with China that they wouldn't dare shoot it down without Xi's permission. The shootdown was 100% political optics. It was ALLOWED only AFTER all surveillance objectives had been completed. So sad.

    It has been PROVEN that Trump was only informed of foreign asset flyovers AFTER they had happened. Thank the traitorous Deep State for that. FJB knew AHEAD of time. That is a VERY different proposition.

  3. It has been verified that there were no spy balloons during Trump presidency. That’s some misinformation by Biden administration.. Sounds like children getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar deflecting to someone else.

  4. Hey man I stay outside of Travis Air Force Base and I just observed A 5 ship formation of refuelers that just took off about 27 minutes ago headed northbound
    2 kc- 46
    3 kc-10
    Staying around Travis Air Force Base I'm used to the three ship formation of kc-10 mixed in with C-5 or C-17 from time to time, but this five ship formation with the kc-46 I would say suspicious to me but this is the second day I seen this the last time I was actually on base so I didn't have a time to actually screenshot this on Flight Aware 24, I actually cannot wait till I save more money to use your Spyglass app so I could track these guys.
    I'm just making this comment because I've seen this for the second time in the last week in this is unusual activity if you ask me for someone who live around Travis Air Force Base for 15 plus years.

  5. Does anybody know what we are watch up in the great lakes region and the Dakotas. Seems like our military is very active up there or concerned what might be floating in

  6. Something very strange flew over my house, again. Today's was unlike anything so far. It was about 8pm when we was watching it. It was the longest slowest moving thing and it moved silently. This odd stuff is happening way to frequently. I wish I had a way to search what these are when they appear. Tonight's was idk what it was…


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