Siriusmon VS Omnimon Alter-S!! | Digimon Card Game: RB-01 vs EX-04 Rise of Alters (FINAL ROUND)

This is the FINAL ROUND of Rise of Alters, a team battle featuring 4 decks each from the two latest sets in the Digimon Card Game: RB-01 Rising Wind (a Reboot Booster or reprint set) and EX-04 Alternative Being (a Theme Booster). This final round will be a clash between two decks that combine the powers of two Lv.6 Digimon – Siriusmon and Omnimon Alter-S. With the addition of their canon Lv.6s Siriusmon and Arcturusmon, the multi-coloured Gammamon deck has become even more destructive, specialising in leaving not a single Digimon left on the opponent’s field. Their signature Lv.7 Proximamon reinforces this by providing even more destruction while swarming, all while being easily accessible through both Sirius and Arcturus. On the other hand, the Black Omnimon Alter-S deck relies on a turbo strategy of warping straight to a DNA Lv.7 over and over again while controlling the opponent’s field presence and buffering their own defences. Once they’ve bided enough time and Memory, they end the game in an instant with massive Security trashing via Alter-B. Can Siriusmon score a win and bring this team battle to a deadlock? Or will Alter-S reign supreme and achieve complete victory for the alter side? It’s time to open the final Digital Gate!

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42 thoughts on “Siriusmon VS Omnimon Alter-S!! | Digimon Card Game: RB-01 vs EX-04 Rise of Alters (FINAL ROUND)”

  1. I feel like this is a threshold video for rust's editing and like deckbuilding/showcasing decks cuz damn this was easily one of the most epic digimon tcg matches I've ever seen, the quality is through the roof

  2. Very intense match and really fun to watch, but just for a reminder both of this deck is not this consistent. Like Alters deck, in reality, I would say 1 in every 10 matches that you could play this smoothly.

  3. This was amazing! Amazing duel, amazing naration! Love your channel c:
    I've proxyed the Siriusmon deck and I've been loving every duel I play with it, I just can't wait for RB01 to come to america! Please make another video with that deck!!!!

  4. IMPORTANT: At 11:38 Sirius shouldn't be able to nuke Alter-S because Alter-S has +1000 DP from BT12 Grey's inheritable. Apologies for the misplay! But I don't have time to refilm the match so it will be left as is.

    It should be noted that while both these decks are capable of occasionally pulling off shenanigans, they are quite inconsistent. I would say that in this video, Gamma performed somewhat better than average while Alter-S was PEAK SMOOTHNESS. Yall have no idea how many rematches it took to get this level of performance on both sides. I gotta say, it was more painful than enjoyable cos of HAVING TO BUILD THE SAME ALTER-S STACKS OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER- Gamma was pretty fun to pilot, but the frustration when you don't have the Lv.4 or lower Gamma you need to make some epic play to turn the tables can be pretty real. The reliance on opposing bodies you can delete also means there are many easy ways the opponent can play around you and slow the deck down.

  5. As soon as I saw Alter-S I knew who was winning. Their support is peak BS so I knew unless Gamma had perfect stacks on Security, Draw and Attack, it was gonna go nowhere by mid to late game


    Kiyoshiro was downright terrified. First Tsukiyono-san, then Aramaki-san, now even Amanokawa-kun? Even after he had succeeded in helping Gammamon conquer its inner darkness and achieve a completely new, unprecedented form beyond Sirius? Amphimon was still standing, but Kiyoshiro could tell she was at her limits. On the other hand, the remaining alters, BlackMegaGargomon, ChaosGallantmon and Omnimon Alter-B, were still seething with bloodlust.

    //iNteGeR oVeRfLoW

    "Amphimon," Kiyoshiro spoke calmly. "Can you send your Jellyfish Units to grab the others? We're getting out of here. Right now."

    Amphimon nodded. When Darling was like this, he was the most reliable man in the world. On his cue, she launched a wave of Crystal Freezer at the remaining alters' feet, grabbed him, and evacuated at maximum speed. Her Jellyfish Units returned, bearing the other 3 Tamers and their partners. As they reached a safe distance, Kiyoshiro glanced behind – only to find the alters turning against each other in a maddened frenzy. But it didn't matter anymore. Even though their team had been defeated, they had achieved their goal: buying enough time for the true Hero Across Time to reach and confront Analogman. The two were probably locked in battle at that very moment. It was all up to them now.


  7. Can't believe kiyoshiro is the only person standing on the ghost game's crew. Then again, jellymon's darling is not someone to underestimate when thing goes REALLY south.

  8. At 12:31 why didn’t Siriusmon attack Blitzgreymon after it unsuspended? Or does the effect Blitz only give you one attack after the memory goes to your opponent? Or was it a choice to not attack too lol

  9. I hate to say this but (spoilers)

    The gammamon deck kinda sucks. A it only has 1 searcher which makes it inconsistent compared to alt-s with two and memory boosts, B its evo line's memory costs are wonky as F. 2 to go into a level 4 gamma 3 to go to Cano, and 3 to go to siris. That's 8 memory and you still aren't at your boss monster. Other decks have a way to get around it like sakuya/khuza with the super evo plug in, amphimon by stalling their opponent until they can make amphimon, the union deck not caring if they are at level 6, angoramon by reducing evo costs. Gammamon has nothing other than deleting 1 digimon and blitz if you are lucky enough to have betel in the evo sources. Every other (recent) deck can do leagues more with 8 memory. And that is only if you didn't draw regulus or Arcturus and not Cano or siris. And C the recovery sucks. Only proximamon has recovery and that just puts a gamma back on board. You still need 6 memory minimum to get to Sirius. And that is only if you had the new hiro in advance. If you don't it would cost 8 which you do not have. You would be stopped at 5 when making Cano. And all of this is ignoring memory choking. This feels like the problem dark magician support had in yugioh. They have a bunch of kinda good support but all of it is just kinda good, so they need all of it at once, which won't happen. You need all of the hiros and the right combo of level 4-6 gammas to stand a chance. And no, Arcturus's "play a proxima from hand by discarding a Sirius" does not count. It is both 1 luck dependant and 2 going against the entire strategy. Proxima is only a good boss monster when it has a bunch of gammas in evo sources. That makes it go onto the field with no evo sources. Proximamon with no evo sources is just not a good boss monster.

  10. It was genuinely frustrating to watch this match.
    The Gammamon deck clearly takes actual strategy to play, knowing which evolutions to use and when. Gammamon has so much utility and style… and Alter-S is just “Unga Bunga”. All Alter-S does is Jogress really fast into it’s highest level. I mean, you effectively went from 2 Rookies to 2 Megas on just your second turn. It reminds me a lot of the Red/Purple ‘Imperialdramon Black’ deck from EX3, but not clearly as stylish. Just another example of how Digimon is “The Tai & Yamato” show, I guess?
    Call me salty if you’d like, I’m certainly feeling it. It doesn’t feel fair that a no skill deck kept knocking down Gammamon’s so easily, considering the skill level it takes to play Gammamon well.

  11. Really intense duel. I wish had Gammamon won. Looking forward to Beezlemon versus Chaosdramon. I really like this tournament style. Hopefully you will do this tournament style for BT13 whenever you get around to it.

  12. Dang, was really rooting for Hiro and Gammamon. That deck is so cool, so distinct. Meanwhile, the other side is one of the most boring OP decks I've seen. Every effect just letting you cheat up with Bandai's two favourites.

    Oh well, it's over now, and soon we'll get some sweet Data Squad decks. And it's not like Omnimon will show up to ruin that fun right? 🙃

  13. goddamit, I really wish Hiro won this one, I really don't like these "stair" decks, Alter and Paildra have this annoying mechanic. It's a shame, but it was a great duel.

  14. Just checking, at around 6:30 when you evolved in Sirius, you deleted the cresgarumon. Would that not have triggered the once per turn unsuspend ability of Sirius already? That means you would not have been able to unsuspend Sirius when you attacked the blitzgreymon right? It's like all the once per turn triggers. If an event causes it to trigger but you couldn't take advantage of it then you missed the chance the 2nd time it happens.

  15. At 5:42 the Siriusmon effect deletes the CresGarurumon by effect. Wouldn’t that trigger Siriusmon’s once per turn effect? I don’t think he’d unsuspend after attacking BlitzGreymon.


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