Sir Pentious Death Scene ~ Hazbin Hotel


26 thoughts on “Sir Pentious Death Scene ~ Hazbin Hotel”

  1. So, we already have confirmation that nobody knows exactly why people end up in Heaven (or Hell), and psychopaths like Adam and the other 'exorcists' indicate that morality probably isn't the main factor.

    Sir Pentious appearing in Heaven after being flash-incinerated by celestial light opens the door for an almost hilariously bleak possibility: you get into Heaven primarily by being exposed to Heavenly energy frequencies.

    So Adam goes to Heaven because he spent time in the Garden of Eden, which was basically a Chernobyl of Heavenly radiation. Various Old Testament sorts largely get into Heaven because they're hauling around shit like the Ark of the Covenant and having their luminaries receive Heavenly visitations (quite possibly from their own ancestors!) which expose them to more Heavenly radiation.

    By the modern day, though, the global level of Heavenly radiation has dropped to an all-time low, which means the majority of people end up in Hell for lack of exposure. The main source of new angels is groups like C.H.E.R.U.B. which send angels into the mortal realm, thus creating opportunities for ascension by irradiating the people they spend time around.

    Now, there might well be a degree to which moral action weights the scale (Sir Pentious did die defending his friends from an unrepentant serial killer, after all), but I can't let go of the hilariously tragicomic idea that Hazbin Hotel's setting ended up this way due to the afterlife operating on similar mechanics to the Incredible Hulk.

  2. Sir pentious willingly telling Cherri he loved her and kissing her is proof that this entire time he knew he had the courage to do it. He was probably more afraid of saying something wrong to make her feel uncomfortable or scare her off. He had a heart of gold

  3. Angel: Bad news, bro. No snake
    Charlie: No snake?
    Angel: No snake
    Charlie: No snake?!
    Angel: Snake got vaporized
    Charlie: Snake got vaporized?!
    Angel: Snake's gone
    Charlie: Snake's gone?!
    Angel: No snake
    Charlie: No snake…
    Emily: Uh, help?
    Charlie: Hey, you found my snake!

  4. The way he shouted "Remember me!" to Cherri makes it clear he did NOT expect to make it.
    Which makes his sacrifice even more impactful from a character standpoint.

    Pentious went to Heaven not because he was the best attacker or warrior: throughout the show he's shown how much of a loving soul he actually is behind his desire to impress with his machines.
    He always let insecurity decide his actions, but now he has met people who love and believe in him. So if he has to die to protect them, so be it, he'll do it without regrets. This is the climax of his character arc.

    He died not as a warrior, but a protector.

    Not bad for a goofy but lovable snake who once was a villain-of-the-week kind of guy!

  5. ”Greater love hath none than this: that a man would lay down his life for his friends.”
    John 15:13

    This is why Sir Pentious was redeemed. He didn’t sacrifice himself selfishly, but to save his friends despite knowing he might not survive.


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