Singapore: Sentosa Island ! Wings of Time ! Sim Lim Square ! Day 7

@travelogybygaumchi Singapore: Sentosa Island ! Wings of Time ! Sim Lim Square ! Day 7
We started our day 7 with a visit to Simlim mall which is a huge electronics stor with amazing gadgets and electronic items, a must visit for a techsavy person and technology geeks. We continued our day to go sightseeing of Sentosa island, teh place was beauty beyond par. there were plenty of zones and you can get the hack of it once you visit there. We reached Sentosa by can, teh other options are by bu sand even snetosa express monorail which charges $4 per person but teh return is free of cost. the beach tram wa san amazing experience as it helped us to view the entire island since it drives through teh edge of island entire day. the island city of singapore has many surprises but visit to santosh outsmarts each and every other sightseeing of Singapore. we opted for activities Sky Helix, Air combat and wings of time. Air combat was an incredible VR experience. Sky helix was a ride that gave a 360degree view of the beautiful country especially since we were there during teh sunset so teh skyline was breathtakingly beautiful. teh show Wings of time was an experience of its own. the creator ha splayed with stories, water, fireworks, fountains music and a full on package of entertainment.
I really hope you enjoy visiting Singapore through our mini vlog


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