Siege at Waco

A doomsday Cult ended up clashing with the ATF and FBI in Waco Texas from Feb. 28th, 1993 to April 19th, 1993 when the standoff ended with the entire compound being set on fire.
Little did anyone know that day that it would be the inspiration for the Oklahoma City Bombing
Animations and background: Kat
Title Card: Zeru

White Bat Audio


9 thoughts on “Siege at Waco”

  1. I just about remember this in the news. Have seen other mini documentaries about it but I believe you covered things I either don't know about or had forgotten.
    Once again, great video. Thanks for your efforts.

  2. Your bias is showing…

    Holy crap who wrote that for you Lan Houarachi himself.

    The story of Waco is not the Branch davidians its the government and and federal law enforcement acting like a bunch of frat boys with guns and a rest powers.

    The information you talked about regarding David koresh and some of the things you said about young girls is true but as far as the rules the member Branch davidian people were under you're completely off.

    Not even the ATF today would openly agree with what you're saying.
    They can't because they had their own agent infiltrated in for months before the incident happened and they could come as they go as they please all these rules all this beating of children you're talking about is a bunch of crap they made up at the time to try to hide the unacceptable and full on criminal behavior of their own agents.

    I'm really wasting my breath this information is out there I'm sure you know about it you just didn't want to talk about it for reasons I can't explain.

    I like your Summerland video about John Holmes but I definitely didn't care for this one at all.

    I'm afraid to look at one you might write about Ruby ridge. I'll give some others a shot but this one I didn't like.

  3. All I gotta say about Waco is both the Davidians and the ATF fucked up and were in the wrong but for different reasons.

    Look, I understand questioning the government (within reason, I.E not using violence as a tool for convincing others that the government fucked up, multiple times.) but I don't think child abuse qualifies as a valid belief or a form of questioning big government. Then again, neither does turning a fringe offshoot of a Christian denomination into a cult but I digress.

    Hell, if anything. If one is using violence to fight for the rights of man (or to party, IDK). Uh, I think things are gonna be more regulated where fricken Brave New World's government system is like "Yep, I knew there was a reason why my higher up people only valued intellect in their people. So much so that we have test tube babies that were created with high intelligence in mind via their genetics. Because of shit like this."

    At the same time though. The ATF apparently forgot about communication first, action second when it comes to hostage stuff. (Didn't help that fricken Koresh had his head up his ass but I already said my peace. Which boiled down to "There are ways to question the government without blood on your hands or giving trauma to children.".).

    Again, both fucked up and are in the wrong. That is all, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


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