'Sideshow'? Prince Harry WILL wear military uniform at vigil for Queen | Palace Confidential

‘Sideshow’? Prince Harry WILL wear military uniform at vigil for Queen | Palace Confidential. The news that Prince Harry will wear his military uniform at a vigil for the Queen, just a short time after he released a statement saying that he wouldn’t, has raised eyebrows among royal watchers. The Daily Mail’s Diary Editor Richard Eden believes that it’s a reminder that both his family and the country will need the same decisiveness his mother showed continually throughout her reign.
‘As King he will have to be decisive, that’s the key thing,’ he tells our royal chat show Palace Confidential. ‘The Queen was and the funeral of her husband is an example of that. I think you have to take a position and stick to it’

0:00 Palace Confidential intro
0:20 Victoria Murphy explains latest Prince Harry military uniform news
1:25 Is the Prince Harry military uniform ‘saga’ that’s too much of a ‘talking point’?
3:00 Why has the uniform debate become such a ‘sideshow’?
4:14 Has King Charles been too ‘hands-off’ on this issue?
5:23 Dr Tessa Dunlop asks whether Prince Harry wearing uniform is ‘such a bad thing’?
7:20 What is happening with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s children’s titles?
10:40 The spotlight on Princess Anne and Sophie Wessex
11:22 Gallery: The Queen as Head of the Armed Forces
12:34 The role of the military during the Queen’s funeral
14:43 The new Prince and Princess of Wales
16:17 Is age really a factor for King Charles?

#palaceconfidential #PrinceHarry #KingCharles #MeghanMarkle #DailyMail #DailyMailRoyals #Queen #QueenElizabeth #royals


43 thoughts on “'Sideshow'? Prince Harry WILL wear military uniform at vigil for Queen | Palace Confidential”

  1. Delighted to hear H and Andrew are not wearing uniform at the funeral. Will H and that woman have the cheap seats at the funeral as well, like at the jubilee? I hope so. Check out the dastardly duo for wires too.

  2. I hope that Charles doesn’t become flaky and give in to this or that all the time. He needs to understand the animosity towards Harry, Meagain and the Yorks. Andrew, Fergie and the girls should not represent the monarchy. They were all friends of Epstein and he was generous financially and with hospitality to them .

  3. Good. As usual, when The Brats get their way, the tantrums may subside.
    And yes, they WILL market these images the rest of their miserable lives.

  4. Did that lady equate the class, integrity, and dignity Prince William with being old? His timeless display of class is more relevant than whiny pouty pushy behaviour unsuitable in a middle aged couple.

  5. Richard Eden is wrong on this. Letters Patent already exists that automatically gives the grandchildren of the sons of the monarch the title of Prince and Princess. This is still in force. This is why Louise and James Wessex are both legally HRH and Princess and Prince, even if they don't use those titles.

    The Letters Patent was revised before George was born so that no matter what the gender of the child is, the child would be a Prince or Princess, but this was just done so that all of the children of the direct heir would be prince and princess. It was not done specifically for Charlotte and Louis. Succession was changed so that the firstborn child would be the heir, no matter the gender. The revised Letters Patent was designed to reflect this change. Otherwise, a second-born child that is a boy would be Prince but the first-born child that is a girl would not be, even though the latter would be the heir.

    Just read the wording of the Letters Patent.

  6. Tessa, 73 is not "proper old ". My dad is 73 and he has more energy and go-get-em spirit than I do! Charles still (hopefully) has years ahead of him. The Queen at 96, could be considered old. But even at that, she did old age really well! May she rest peacefully.

  7. This soft power of monarchy requires that the monarchs are treated in a solemn way. I have never see anyone call the late queen just Elizabeth. She was always treated as Her Majesty or as Queen Elizabeth, or, at least, the queen. But now everybody treats the new monarch as Charles, as if he ws their buddy.

  8. The difference between Andrew and Harry is that Andrew has kept his gob shut and Harry ķeeps trying to diminish the royal family! I really think that Harry's children should not be given titles as their parents don't serve the royal family! Nor will the children. They have left service ( commitment without pay!)
    Why would any of them have titles?

  9. Harry seems to wait for the most inopportune moment (for the other person) and then harangue them till they give in, in disgust. Imo, Someone needs to take him in hand and smack his behind with a paddle till he's too sore to sit!! OR toss him out on his ear and ban/ disown him and his creature from the family. This means no titles and no connection to the RF for him, his creature and his progeny henceforth. If he does try to monetize this, he should be criminally prosecuted by the crown.
    King Charles needs to be given time to settle in to his role as the monarch before we jump to conclusions.
    Please PLEASE shut Tessa UP. She's annoying, rude and keeps butting in when others are trying to make a point. I don't know how Richard Eden puts up with the likes of her. At least this time Jo told her to "calm down" 😂😂😂. 🙋🏻‍♀️ From Bombay 🇮🇳

  10. I also appreciate these broadcast but strongly object to Dr. Tessa's comments and hope she would never be invited to be on this panel again. She interrupted Richard and Jo which is always irritating. More important is her outrageous comments. She said that this somer funeral for the Queen is "a sideshow!" Very disrespectful. Then she described President Biden in "being a race", "campaigning on the move". Obviously you have not seen President Biden who can not way be described a race horse. He campaigned for the Presidency by staying in his basement.

  11. She didn’t want titles. The US don’t use titles. They should live in the UK. How dare they pressure the king while they are grieving and and doing duty. It should be about the queen. Yet it’s always about them. Love the prince and princess of Wales.

  12. GOD! That bloody boring woman again, she could send a glass eye to sleep 🙄😴 And when she said: "Biden is like a race horse whos never got off the track"!!! LOL Is she insane, Biden is completely senile, he can barely string two words together. How is this woman given airtime??

  13. Tessa is a distraction. She constantly interrupts to challenge others with her opinions. She’s abrasive and adds nothing to the segment and loves the sound of her own voice. Can we find someone more interesting with something relevant to add.

  14. Has Tessa seen Joe Biden of late??? He’s no example of an older leader that’s successful! I’m rather worried if someone doesn’t have him on a toddler reins he’ll disappear off somewhere he shouldn’t whilst in London!


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