Shut Up. Take Headpats. | Elden Ring

#Solus_Astorias #MinistryofWarAdministrationofNeoKratocracy #ELDENRING

Ask me stuff and watch me play.

funni voice man and Director of Baalbuddy and Centurii comic dubs – not the artist.

Thumbnail Source:
Danbooru – nslacka

1. Profile Picture? – Oda Non.

2. Where do you get the female voice actors from? – Fiverr.

3. What’s your nationality/ Where are you from? – I originally come from the Lands of the East. I currently live in the UK for diplomatic and trade reasons but I live in another nation called the United Kingdoms of Astoria.

4. What got you into voice acting/ Youtube? – Money. Voice acting is fun too.

5. Are you the artist? – No, that would be Baalbuddy and Centurii.


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