Should You Buy Stellaris First Contact?

Stellaris First Contact DLC, should you buy it? Find out in this Stellaris First Contact review.

Lets dive in!

*Unless you promise not to invade the primitives so that you can explore all of the great stories First Contact includes.

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Stellaris Version 3.7

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48 thoughts on “Should You Buy Stellaris First Contact?”

  1. There should be some sort of extra event chain when your payback/ broken chains empire is so much stronger than MSI when first encountering them that you can go "lol, serves you right". Something like that.

  2. When I found MSI they were strong and threatening, but I like the idea of the burning desire for revenge to coming to naught because they're already wiped out – they inevitably upset the wrong species.

  3. Appreciate this. I mainly buy all the DLC's to keep supporting the project overall. I love paradox and all the content they put out, so I look at it as more of a support thing than anything else. TBH it does seem like a weaker DLC but, eh, i still really enjoy it. I just love stellaris anyway. ty for your time!

  4. Dude you should look into the paranoid origin. Specifically the absolute busted strength of the first contact war option.
    My paranoid pals wanted me to immediately declare war on the first person I made contact with (they were neighbors and I had aggressive first contact protocols)
    The amazing thing is it’s total war so any system you capture is just yours, no claims no end of war full blown free systems. I doubled my size and colonies immediately.
    As well as a free cloaked fleet!
    Figured it’d make a good video :p

  5. Payback origin is actually OP atm on commodore and lower. All you have to do is rush getting the battleship from the archeology site, build up to force limit and most any AI empire you meet will agree to be subjugated due to fleet power. Militaristic empires on commodore might have enough fleet power themselves to resist however.

  6. I’m a massive fan of Total War and Stellaris (all paradox games honestly) – but holy crap between the price of this dlc and the chaos dwarf announcement.. I’m starting to really consider picking up any further content for games.

  7. "The devs have done a fantastic job with Patch 3.7" – that alone is reason enough for me to support them.
    Yes, 15 Euro aren't cheap and if you look only at the value for money factor, it is maybe not worth it.
    However, that the Devs give quite a lot for free and only some parts are locked behind a paywall is (IMO) very fair.
    And I am always ready to pay, if I feel that the other is acting fair.
    If I get some value that is enough for me.
    I have every pack, apart from most species packs (I do not care about Necroids, Lithoids…) and Nemesis (I have 0 interest in becoming the crises myself)

    And that I can support this channel by buying it on HumbleBundle was an additional incentive to pay 15 bucks. Even before starting the game I have the feeling it was money well spent.

  8. I wish they made a funny story mode where you get to be a Fallen empire going around space finding all those primitives and guiding them to the stars. The idea would be that there is an ancient threat slowly emerging and you are in your hubris not taking it seriously. The younger empires will try to warn you if you have been helping them but you at first dismiss their plea. Only when they are technologically far enough you are able to take them seriously and research the threat on your own. And if you haven't done that fast or well enough, it might already be to late.

    You shouldn't be able to declare war on them, and for events, for example sometimes a foolish younger empire declares war on you where you get a small fleet granted with a bored admiral and your objective is to not lose any ships or lose standing and guidance from your subjects and other ideas like that. If you done well, you get to awaken at a time before the great threat spawns and get to prepare, if not – the galaxy will get overrun.

  9. Tbh im unsure of cloaking, if before i was able to bottleneck way stronger empires and have a chance to at least defend myself for a bit, now they will be able to just bypass all my defense and made a mess inside my empire.

    For me it reinforce the strenght of the already stronger empire, and hamper the weak empire to have a chance to fight back.

    Maybe it could be limited to smaller ships, or maybe if a ship it's equiped with the cloaking device it would be weaker, like a malus to shields, movement or tracking

  10. Found a really rare pre-ftl where it started as a life-seeded pre-ftl with a gaia world in the Atomic era…. Which subsequently nuked their own country and then got the survivor origin. They still have the rare deposits of motes and stuff and i think there was around 11 unique districts including metal boneyards

  11. The issue is, challenging origins should be allowed to be strong if you play them right. Just like how doomsday can be a powerhouse. Unique techs or alternate playstyles you need to leverage can also be considered "challenging"

  12. I'm loving the DLC so far, my only regret is that "Your Ladder to the Stars" isn't a playable origin. I think it would be pretty awesome if the player could be the MSI type empire. You'd start out as an advanced empire, with maybe 2 or 3 developed worlds, and a couple worlds ofprimitive playthings nearby to use and abuse as you please. The flipside to this, of course, is that Broken Shackles and Payback empires will spawn in the galaxy with Casus Belli against you and eventually try to bring you down, plus your other primitive subject's may try to rebel if you don't treat them nicely

  13. Does this mean if I make a custom UNSC shattered ring empire they could be chosen among those to become a pre ftl species? It would be so cool to stumble upon “Halo” with the UNSC on it.

  14. Yes you should. The cloaking, the primitive interaction dude..its fun. however, the new starting things …challenge is crazy. The cloaking itself is so freakin cool. Im not making serious games yet, im updating mods, playing a bit, stopping watching other mods update and restarting haha. It will be this way for a month.

    15 bucks is a lunch where im from, its not expensive at all. shrugs

  15. I absolutely love that you dive into the "Should I buy this DLC" analysis is in the exact same way you would do a "should I build this megastructure," or "should I take this civic." Its fine to consider personal preferences / flavor but ultimate decisions and outcomes are most influenced by cost / benefit. Both within Stellaris and within the meta of buying expansion packs.

  16. I kinda wish they would give the console version a payed dlc that gives the player complete control (all tech ,infinite rescources ,etc) so I can just have fun while waiting for things to happen playing multiplayer on pc with actual people.

  17. @montu plays – I hope you get this. I was able to defeat the grey tempest by sneaking about 80 cloaked frigates to the control node and opening fire – vaporizing the rest of the threat. Wasn't exactly a legit play they by then since they kept sniping the salvager enclave but needless to say your wolfpacks can snipe leviathans through closed borders and get around actual mechanics of some crisis (snipe the Khan?) and I'll want to play with this some more.

  18. 4:30 that's a story in of itself, isn't it? You spend years, decades, centuries even tracking down those who wronged you so that you can exact your revenge upon them. You build up the fantasy in your head of what the day will be like; of how good justice will feel. But when that day finally comes, what do you do find? A broken empire. A shadow of the thing that hurt you. The final battle that you promised yourself was had a long time ago, and you missed it. Your final victory never came, and now you must decide what kind of empire yours will be. Will you take what scraps of revenge you can get by wiping out the remnants of your oppressors and in doing so risk becoming as vicious as them, or will you instead try to build a better galaxy where such fates will never befall anyone ever again. Will you break the cycle of vengeance, or continue it.


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