Should India Issue Stapled Visas to Tibetans? | China Targets Arunachal | Vantage with Palki Sharma

Should India Issue Stapled Visas to Tibetans? | China Targets Arunachal | Vantage with Palki Sharma

China is at it again. It has sparked a row after issuing stapled visas to Indian athletes from Arunachal Pradesh. The athletes were expected to travel to China for the World University games. India has condemned Beijingโ€™s move, calling it โ€œunacceptable. Is it time India starts issuing stapled visas for Tibetans? Palki Sharma tells you more

India | China | Arunachal Pradesh | Chengdu | World University Games | Indian Athletes | Stapled Visas | China Stapled Visas | Firstpost | World News | Vantage | Palki Sharma

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42 thoughts on “Should India Issue Stapled Visas to Tibetans? | China Targets Arunachal | Vantage with Palki Sharma”

  1. India reacts retrospectively in a shallow way where the line between warning and playing along is maintained. India needs to prepare to respond robustly threatening moves as China dies for Taiwan. Discussions are futile and sheer waste of time. First act is to derecognise Tibet as an autonomous region of China. Remember who did it? Next by 2030 issue military maps – opposed by bureaucrats of Lutyens Delhi. Assert is the new word. All Chinese visa requests will be denied and only under pressing circumstances issue a stapled visa. Raise taxes on items not manufactured in India. This should begin to affect China.

  2. Every government around the World recognise bilateral agreements but with China only up to when IT Suites them โ€ฆ India must tear up some of the border agreements & give ultimate dates to move back .. fail ING to do so then all agreements are null and void

  3. This same china cries when US officials visit taiwan …crying about politics, mutual respect, peace blah blah blah… and look at china now…. they ask India to 'set aside' border issues, not engage with the dalai lama, not to hold meetings in disputed territory….while china brings troops close to the border, blocks terr0rist designation requests at the UN just because it came from India and has its CPEC project running through the same disputed territory … chinese like to refer to indians as the snake but the biggest snake is actually china …. you try to be nice with them but they just do all this behind your back …its their culture

  4. This is why china can never be trusted ….Good thing the Indian govt. cancelled investments by BYD … tesla or India's TATA company can take its place ….atleast they won't act like snake china

  5. Hallelujah! Letโ€™s hope this is the majority opinion in India. If you have a military, and you donโ€™t use them to repel a neighbors invasion, what is your military for? China will never evaporate or just go home. Train, train, train your military from top to bottom and have them do their job. So happy to see Indiaโ€™s had enough.

  6. Lol, India complaining about territories it inherited from Britain? Be grateful about what you have. If it weren't for the Brits, you'd still be slaves of muslims.

  7. Letโ€™s see, Tibetans in China undergo forced organ harvesting, rape is the preferred method of torture and many have been forcefully sterilised but more importantly itโ€™s easier for a Tibetan to find God than it is to get a โ€˜Passportโ€™โ€ฆ
    So even if India starts issuing stapled Visas to Tibetans, I donโ€™t suppose it will have much impactโ€ฆ

  8. Palki
    You forgot to remind Mr Modi of Lal ankh response!
    Anyway, be it BJP or Congress government in Delhi, India has limited options in dealing with Chinese "dadagiri". What is needed is a strong national response instead of BJP and Congress mocking & chiding each other.

  9. India is scare to act tit for tat against china CCP. That's why AP vajpayee and Nehru said Tibet is part of china, now china says arunachal is part of Tibet. This would have never happened if they don't accept Tibet as part of china.

  10. First Tibet had ask China for help not India, India had been bullying Tibet and Nepal, Tibet in now has improved, the GDP and the leaving condition is much much better than India, I'm here in Tibet for 90 days now and we have good Toilet and running water, good food and people are speaking Chinese language, they like to dance at the park after dinner, China had build the Tibet railway for them, I just don't see what India got to offer to Tibet except try to colonizing them, just leave Tibet alone, they are happy the way it is don't FK it up.

  11. India don't dare doing what china is doing, thats 1 million percent sure. India know only to blabber like India's news media only๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  12. Lol. China causes all of the world's problems and then they wonder why everyone hates them๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‚ The entire civilized world is decoupling from them. They should have decoupled 10 years ago. It's back to a country of poor farmers riding bicycles for China๐Ÿ˜‚

  13. Indian govt is doing very well and has taken strong action. Indian govt is not giving visas to any Chinese now. Indian govt is banning all Chinese from entering India.and A separate paper visa? Superfluous move..

  14. We should also start naming various Chinese cities and territories according to our language.What a misconception those people have that after naming a certain territory it will belong to them.Arunachal Pradesh and the whole of Kashmir are integral parts of India and no other country has the right to issue a claim on it.They are indeed an inseparable part of our country.๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ
    So,from now onwards ,let's start calling China as Chitrapur, Tibet as north Sikkim and so on… like this way we can name it's territories according to our own will.Lets assign Indian names to them!!๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿคง๐Ÿ˜Œ

  15. This is so childish. Of course, India can recognize each China province as an independent nation and will feel good for a moment before realizing it is not even funny. I'm sure India is smarter than that.

  16. No doubt india has been a bad neighbour, it has issues with all the bordering countries.
    In 1949, India annexed Manipur, then set its dirty eyes on tibet in 1962 but failed terribly.
    In 1975, Sikkim, a small independent state at the northern territory was forcefully annexed by India.
    In 2001, India engineered a massacre that killed all the Nepalese monarch members. The nepal government stepped in and kicked out the indians.
    After WW2, Sri Lanka has been fighting a terrorist group called Tamil Tiger which is funded by the Indian government, there were several attempts of bombings that killed thousands.
    Bullying of Pakistan/Bangladesh continued until today.
    Bhutan is still struggling to establish a normal diplomatic tie with other countries due to Indian threats.
    Myanmar is losing much of its land to india, ie Nagaland, Manipur, assam, meghalaya, adaman islands…


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