Should a Christian watch scary movies/horror movies?

Should a Christian watch scary movies/horror movies? Is it a sin to watch a horror movie?

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42 thoughts on “Should a Christian watch scary movies/horror movies?”

  1. It really does not matter what any of us think. All that matters is Gods word. Gods word makes this very simple and does not leave any room for debate. 1 Thessalonians 5:22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.

  2. Paranormal movies are a no no for me. I had to close my mind to them. I am very sensitive to these types of movies. Back in the day I was a horror movie freak but no longer. 🙏😇

  3. Every Picture you consume is stored in you brain forever. Your brain can’t distinguish between Fiction and Fact. If I told you now, don’t think about a pink elephant in your basement playing the piano. You know that elephant isn’t real, but your brain, neurons picture this scene in milliseconds into your mind, if you want it or not. Now you can imagine what a movie does with your minds and brain specifically a horror movie.

  4. had this thought while watching stranger things 4, I absolutely love the show…. But The horror aspect has intensified this season and there were some demonic looking scenes…. I find this is a fight within myself. I love sci-fi and more mild horror

  5. Very important teaching thank you. I used to love horror films. I loved violent films too. I loved any dark, sinful film really. Since God has begun working sanctification in my life, my desire for that kind of content has disappeared. I think it can be helpful in assurance of the faith – to look back and see how God has turned our hearts away from the old things and toward His good and lovely things.

  6. The scariest piece of media out there is the Bible. Parts of it are absolutely brutal. By your logic, we should avoid reading the Bible. Horror movies are just silly because we know they’re fake. The Bible, however, is based in truth.

  7. The gate ways to our soul is through our eyes and ears. Watching movies that are filled with horror can open you up to the spirit of fear.! The same way watching movies that contain adultery story lines and immorality can also open you up to the spirit of lust!…
    The bible tells us to think about, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
    Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.
    These movies are in opposition with Gods word. They are filled with darkness and violence and murder and upset and heartbreak and everything that is evil. I don’t think God wants his people watching things that are in opposition with his kingdom. (Just saying😬🔥🕎)

  8. I wish so badly that my husband would see this and realize how far away he is from God and us bc of the types of movies and TV shows he watches. He has litterally traded the most important things and people to watch tv…80-90% of his free time is spent in the back room with the door closed watching filth. I honestly wish the power would go out and never come back on. I would take all the hardships that came with having no more electricity for my husband back and for my kids to have a father who was really here.

  9. Horror movies are based on the second kind of fear which is always from the enemy. Watching these films can open doorways for the demonic realm to come in and cause destruction in your life. They are not “just” movies. Even Christians can be demonically “oppressed” when they continue to expose their minds to the occult.

  10. Should a Christian do that? Perhaps not, but without any conceptual idea of what something is, then how can we understand it? We hear a word, and think of an image when hearing that word. When I hear evil, I think of something ugly that intends to do harm. When I hear sin, I think of something that covers itself in gold trying to look petty, to cover the ugliness underneath. If someone lived on an island apart from society, then if coming to society, what reference point is there to understand the words of society?

    How can we in our actions, give glory to God? If you write, then by writing with excellence and diligence, you give glory to God. When you do your best, you give glory to God. When you praise God for His design, for what He has created, you give glory to God. I play games, I know that to make a game, it requires a lot of thought, coding, and design. I look at the world, and I recognize how much more coding and design, there is in Creation than in games. That is how I by playing games, give glory to God, so me playing games is not a sin. If however I played games, just for entertainments sake, if I focused way more of my time on games than on God, then playing games would be a sin.

    Is watching a horror movie giving glory to God? I fail to see an exact definitive reason how it gives glory to God, there is people suffering, going through psychological trauma, all for the sake of gore and shock value. There is also a lot of severely twisted theology as well in horror movies, very often the demons or dark spirits are portrayed as having greater power and influence over people than God, which is entirely false. If you watch horror movies, this mindset might creep into your mind unbeknownst.

    I watch Stranger Things, it is an interesting and well made series. What I see, is evil that is being fought against. The timeline and events have no basis in theology or reality, and is entirely it's own fictional universe. While it might be argued that Mind Flayer in the Stranger Things universe could be Satan, the Mind Flayer operates using a hive mind, and Satan like the other angels are single persons not a hive mind. It could not be God, for it is clearly a physical entity, depending on physical matter to exist, God is not so limited. But if we're going with character, then the Mind Flayer would be Satan, as it sought to spread sickness and rot through death and decay. The upside down is also a physical place, that can be traveled to, and that is where the Mind Flayer exists physically. But like most other horror movies, the series portrays evils as having greater power and influence than good, than God. And we see that people in the Stranger Things universe, relies on themselves, and not on God. They rely on 011 (Jane), to stop what she had caused in the first place.

    Before watching something, like Stranger Things, I would suggest having a fundamental Biblical understanding, to have a solid grounded faith, and be aware and mindful of what might influence you. There is one positive thing about the series, it takes place in the 80's, so it's not riddled with the insane political ideologies of today, since that would go against the lore. But most importantly I would say, is to listen. If The Holy Spirit tells you you should not watch it, then you should not watch it. But don't take you being told not to watch it, as a revelation that must be spread. I've come across someone like that, but about games, he spent way too much time and money on games, for entertainments sake. The Holy Spirit told him, that it was a sin, for him. He then interpreted that as all games being sinful. What you're convicted of being a sin for you, does not mean it is a sin for everyone else.

    Should one watch horror? I would say no, for the reason that it almost always have wrong or twisted theology, and maybe intentionally tries to give you the mindset that the evils of the fallen angels is stronger than the goodness of God. Which would explain why there is so much horror, another strategy to make people doubt and lead them away from God. I have a solid belief in God, my foundation for belief in God is Genesis, I know that the fallen angels are like a pufferfish that try to appear as giants but who aren't even ants compared to God.

  11. I believe this goes the same for the "top 10 ghosts caught on camera" videos I like to watch on YouTube. I love watching those videos but I wonder how dangerous it is watching possible real demons vs official manmade depictions in theatres often

  12. Anyone who's approving of watching demonic movies in the comments should examine themselves and make sure they're real born again Christians.

  13. My wife and I watched the first two episodes of Stranger Things 4 after being excited for it to come out.
    But after, my spirit was not in agreement with it at all.
    I told my wife I wasn’t interested in watching it anymore, she obliged.

  14. Psalm 115:6 The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s: but the earth hath he given to the children of men. We have no business colonizing in space! Waste of tax dollars! Globalism is evil!

  15. I think I'll stick with my favourite vintage 1970's and 1980's BBC television series of Jane Austen and Elizabeth Gaskell and Charles Dickens types of classics. I can't watch horror or even most thrillers. They give me nightmares. Most modern TV and movies are full of inappropriate content. 😊

  16. Questions like this make it clear who is a sheep and who is a goat. Most 'christians' in North America wouldn't even give up their beloved Game of thrones for their Savior. I've had a few arguments about this with so-called christian friends. Not surprisingly, they've drifted further and further away from the Lord as the world has gotten more evil.

    It is crazy, yes crazy for a so called believer in Christ to watch demonic, violent, debased movies. If you are full of the Holy Spirit, you will have no desire to watch such filth. The Lord delivered me from watching horror movies. Now I have zero desire to indulge any of this filth.

  17. So sorry but sometimes I'm really dumb so are we allowed to watch scary movies and videos and stuff like that or not because u really really want to watch this one scary video but idk if I am aloud too and I have a scary book I want to read am I aloud to read and watch stuff like that

  18. This was a hard one to let go, surprisingly enough I hated horror movies as a kid all my life an never understood why people wanted to watch them until I came to a dark period in my life an I got into alot of new age an witch craft an eventually found to like horror movies, after I was saved it took me awhile to let them go again but the more I consumed only godly content the more I found it easier. Just trying to watch a creepy black mirror episode made me uneasy now, it was like I could sense this evilness seeping out from the TV into the room. No more Idc who calls me up tight or weird I know why they make these disgusting programs. Ps the only plus side to those movies were the paranormal activity ones because although it was about demons it brought my mind to a place where there has to be a something good for these demons to be banished (an that's what made me research about God more)


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