Shocking UFO Sightings | Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation (S1, E2) | Full Episode

A former U.S. Navy radar operator emerges from the shadows to reveal the terrifying day it rained UFOs. For the first time, U.S. Navy personnel unveil new details of the stunning encounter, in Season 1, Episode 2, “Raining UFOs.”


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In season two, each episode will center around a specific case or aspect of the modern UAP phenomenon and follow the credible team of connected investigators including former military intelligence official and Special Agent In-Charge, Luis Elizondo, and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and Intelligence, Chris Mellon.

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41 thoughts on “Shocking UFO Sightings | Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation (S1, E2) | Full Episode”

  1. This is interesting, but one thing to note is that the US has something that doesn't JAM radar, it puts false hits on radar. Now, that doesn't debunk what the pilots saw with their eyes, but it's something to consider when discussing anything seen on radar. I didn't hear a pilot say they saw many of these things, just one, so you have to wonder about the radar hits…

  2. Operation Specialist not radar specialist and Combat information center not radar room. OSMC Day most likely wasn’t manning a repeater but was the MSC in charge of the watch. 3rd and 2nd class are usually the operators. Had to set some things right

  3. The government has allocated trillions of dollars, with a T, multiple trillions to black projects and they still haven't succeeded in bringing UFO technologies to mainstream society because of continued scientific failures. This is like giving millions of dollars to the DMV to develop an innovative new car. The SLS rocket is a great example of the built-in failure inherent to government. We must cancel these programs and let companies like Space X and other physicists and entrepreneurs in the private sector take over these projects. Period end of story. Should have happened 50 years ago

  4. You all are idiots for believing a second of this. How is this disclosure when they’ve disclosed nothing we haven’t already known? Why is Elizondo the face of this? He worked in psyops and he’s still working for the Pentagon. Only now the American public is his target because getting most tax payer money isn’t enough. The Pentagon wants it all. So they’re trying to make you idiots believe you’re somehow in danger.

    And why DeLonge involved? Just more proof this is a joke.

  5. There is no man made alloy or any other naturally occurring material that could withstand Mach 30+ speeds at ANY altitude without vaporizing to a fine mist. At lower altitudes, the speed needed to vaporize an object would drop exponentially from intense frictional heat. 😂😂😂

  6. if these things were hostile, we'd know it by now. keep in mind, we couldn't possibly have anything they would want. they're baby sitting us and keeping a super low profile.

  7. There isn't a point to be scared if they are hostile we'd be dead at any point if it's aliens they have tech way beyond what we even understand they could of killed us easily at any point

  8. What if these things are camouflaged by the clouds and the blue sky. OR these things are just advanced holograms that will become a false flag operation for a agenda new world order?

  9. Calling them hostile is why these aliens don’t want to bother themselves with us. Seeing the violence of humans through the centuries is all the evidence you need.

  10. Also, the incident on the Nimitz happened almost 20 years ago. If their intent was hostile, they would have taken advantage of it many years ago. And if it is the military, it is par for the course. As proven by your account, they clumsily keep their secrets.

  11. That disk did not get erased. It was taken by the secret government, and it belongs to the US and this is very top top secret and our own government made sure that I didn’t fall into any hands, which is why it it was taken from whoever got off that helicopter and those other people responsible for this year full technology and don’t want anyone to get a hold of the information that was taken.

  12. The data is no longer and will never be in the hands of the Military or any Political Authority. The reason for this is to avoid oversight. Remain out of range of FOIA. We shall granted bread crumbs but not FULL DISCLOSURE.

  13. The trouble with Luis Elizondo investigating is if he is told a thing is classified he will not talk about it !
    So nothing gets revealed the pentagon does not want known !
    We have a huge secret space program using high technologies the public cannot be allowed to see and has created a breakaway civilizations in underground bases and in space that includes bases on Moons and Mars with two secret space stations as of 1999 we found out by Gary McKinnon who accessed a NASA servor that was not password protected yet he was to be tried for spying !

  14. There is something I'm not understanding. That in itself is not suspicious as I have not served in the military, and have no expertise/experience in potentially relevant operational or communications protocols.

    So why, if "all comes logs" were missing, why did we have recordings of Fravor's communications with his "wingman" ? I'm not making any kind of accusation here. In fact, I assume it is my lack of experience that is the source of my confusion

    Did anyone else notice this? If so, can you give a brief description of the context – i.e. wereI you a military pilot, radar op. or have other relevant experience?

  15. I'm just going to be honest because I really like this guy and I like his videos and I believe in him but let's face it military is least informed and he's military. What is the military going to tell you they're going to brainwash you and completely desensitize you and then people come out of the military and act like nothing happened to them. he referred to the skies of the United States as our battle skies. the sky is our battleground is what he was saying. funny he should look at it that way but being military you're lucky you're approaching everything from a military angle and I'm not saying he's wrong I think he's a hero and I think that we're all going to be thankful that this guy was on it and that there's people like me recording the clouds andthe only reason why we can't get any notoriety for any life on any other planet is all because of propaganda. The government will laugh and make fun of it. those are the only people. if you asked 100 people if they believed that we were the only planet with any intelligent life that exists at all and I bet a hundred percent would disagree with that and if you were to suggested what if any of that life has been here do you believe that's possible I would have to say about 90% people would agree with that. but the government makes you feel like a tinfoil hat wearing not because you believe there could possibly be life outside of this planet and that we should keep our eyes open. all the evidence that's been made public and people are pounding the pavement to tell people and show the evidence but the government including NASA which is not part of government but still even them everyone says we've not seen any evidence that there's any kind of extraterrestrial life. I have seen technology around lights flying in ways that no way do we have that technology. and no way are they not aware of it so the only I can't believe the propaganda is so powerful that it keeps people from even talking about it

  16. what he's not giving a chance to are the people that live not in the military. The people that live on 40 acres that are budded up against 75 acres of hunting land and they don't have a street light for Miles you cannot see your hand in front of your face. You all you see is Stars and let me tell you something those are the people that can document a lot of things that are not satellites and certainly not our technology. I wore military you think if they have the intelligence to be here they're already going to keep away from the military and if they are seen by military it'll be a quick glance. Who you have to interview is the farmer. I live on Lake Superior and things I have seen over top of that Lake invested in camera equipment just so when it happens again I can showbut all I can say is I know I'm all over the place but I'm not when I grew up we could have sunny days last all week be like not a cloud in the sky. You did nobody seems to notice that in the past 10 years that's nothing of the past and you there's never a day where clouds are not feeling the sky and I see all kinds of things in those clouds. I've seen things fall out of the cloud and I'm telling you now I'm ready I am ready with my camera equipment this summer on Lake Superior and this winter flakes and finally freeze. forgive my punctuation I'm voice texting a lot of times my phone gets it wrong I didn't proof read this. but over Lake Superior the largest freshwater body of water on the planet. talk to some of us up here in copper City Michigan. that's who you want to talk to. Not someone flying a fighter jet for the United States military. I mean yeah definitely interviewing but he's not going to see as much as the person that people call crazy and they just don't have the credentials but people have cameras

  17. These documentaries and comments hitt a little different when you have actually witnessed and seen something yourself. Not something that could have been or maybe, but actually the same thing that you were seeing people posting about

  18. Look at the titles of these UFO videos from the History Channel….."UFO's lurking" Shocking UFO Sightings, UFO's exposed by U.S Navy. The History Channel is in cahoots with the U.S government to try to scare the public into thinking that UFO's are a threat, when there is absoltuely no evidence whatsoever that is the case. In fact the real truth is that these intelligent beings are most likely trying to protect us from ourselves. Obviously with the technology they have if they wanted to destroy us they could have done that a long time ago. This very dangerous agenda by the History Channel and the U.S government is a threat to us all. They are up to no good.

  19. These UFOs are not hostile or else these Aliens would of shown hostile superiority, they know we are intelligent beings, they also know we are hostiles and Aliens fear their technology could fall into our hostile hands. I suggest turning lights off and on several times to let them know we want to communicate.


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