Shocking: Hamas Kills Innocent Babies in Israel | ISH News

In the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Hamas group, which escalated with the Hamas taking people hostage, including citizens of various countries, there have been troubling developments. Some hostages have been killed, and others remain missing. Israel has increased its military mobilization, even recalling a 92-year-old army veteran to join the effort. Hacktivist groups have also been targeting online platforms. Tragically, many lives, including children, have been lost on both sides, and a horrific incident in the Gaza village of Kfar Aza shocked the world. Both Israel and Hamas have disregarded international laws meant to protect children. The situation has led to strong statements from Israeli leaders, with an emergency wartime government being established. While there are contrasting opinions on Mossad’s role in the conflict, the situation remains complex, and India has expressed support for Israel. ISH News will continue to provide updates on this ongoing situation.

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38 thoughts on “Shocking: Hamas Kills Innocent Babies in Israel | ISH News”

  1. I don't believe your video news. You are be carefully news fake on social media. Israel killed family, children and people Palestine for years ago. Why news can't spread truly? World and news blame Palestine. We stand with Palestine

  2. It’s funny and very shocking that there is not even one video of hamas killing any babies. It’s 2023 and you’re telling me not one person video’s any of this massacre that everyone is talking about? Come on people, stop being sheep’s and open your eyes and look at the bigger picture!! All these videos are click and bait to get views on there page. This is all a bunch of lies. Do your research before believing in all this crap

  3. Don't know Israel with Hamas dull fail what happened people family love job or eat n joke best Happy. war do go worng plot or caste king power or same war game or party vote or friend world hot angry problem tell

  4. Lies, Lies, Lies!!! Palestine never killed an innocent children or woman, there's even some videos show how they treat them, and taking care of them unlike Israel with the way they are randomly killing civilians with missiles, the BBC reporters in Israel say that we have NOT witnessed any beheaded baby or women, if you're wondering why Palestine are doing, you should instead ask who started the occupation, so if you stand with them simply, give them your land, even the president of USA Biden said in an interview: If there's no Israel, we will invent an Israel. USA and Israel are trying to brainwash people with misinformation and fake news so it looks like Israel is the victim.


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