Shock and Awe | Dr. David Jeremiah

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Message Description:
The first coming of Christ was quiet and unassuming. His Second Coming will be dramatically different. In this message, Dr. David Jeremiah unpacks the extraordinary events of the Second Coming.

00:00 – Will there be Animals in Heaven?
00:58 – Dr. Jeremiah’s message – Shock and Awe”
23:22 – Do you know Christ in a personal way?

Angels – Who They Are and How They Help:

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22 thoughts on “Shock and Awe | Dr. David Jeremiah”

  1. As you may know, believers who lived in the Apostolic era believed that Jesus was going to return in their own lifetime. This expectation was in strict accordance with the Lord's own Word:

    "Jesus said to His disciples, '…The Son of Man is about to come in the glory of His Father with His angels and will then recompense every man according to his deeds. Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who shall not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.'" (Matt. 16:24,27-28)

    But after Jerusalem fell in A.D. 70, and the Second Coming and the destruction of heaven and earth had not happened literally, sub-apostolic teachers then came up with the concept of the "Parousia delay." We see this concept most notably in the Epistle of Barnabas (written shortly after the fall of Jerusalem) and in the Shepherd of Hermas. (c. A.D. 85-140)

    In the Epistle of Barnabas, it was taught that because Jerusalem had recently fallen, believers could be sure that Jesus was about to come at any moment. And the Shepherd of Hermas was written to explain why there had been a delay in the Church's original, Apostolic expectation.

    The Second Coming of Christ and the fall of Jerusalem were gradually dichotomized in the years that followed A.D. 70. As the centuries rolled on, the two events eventually became unrelated in the mind of most.

    The early abandonment of the eschatology of the Apostolic era was not a reflection on the teaching abilities of the Apostles, but it was a reflection on our slowness in comprehending some of the more difficult teachings of the Apostles. (II Peter 3:16) Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, (c. A.D. 150) was refreshingly humble and honest in this regard:

    "For neither am I, nor is any other like unto me, able to follow the wisdom of the blessed and glorious Paul…" (Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians, 3:2).

    Preterism is condemned by many futurists today as a damnable heresy. Yet there is little debate on the following point:

    The first century, apostolic Church expected the Parousia to take place within the lifetime of the Apostles.

    It necessarily follows from that admission that every doctrine today that teaches that the Parousia of Christ did not take place within the lifetime of the Apostles is a flat denial of the original eschatology of the Church.

    Since preterism (the doctrine that the Parousia was to take place within the lifetime of the Apostles) was the original eschatology of the Apostolic Church, we can rest assured that it is infinitely more trustworthy and authoritative than all of the "eschatologies," so called, that were "developed" subsequently.

    The original and infallible eschatology that God revealed to the Apostolic Church, and which was believed and taught by the Church from A.D. 30-70, should be believed by us with all of our hearts and minds, that is, if we truly believe that the Apostles and prophets are the foundation of the eternal City of God. (Eph. 2:20; Rev. 21:14)

    A momentous work of the modern Church in coming days will be its eschatological reformation, its submission to Apostolic / preterist eschatology. May certain Church leaders today emulate the humility of Polycarp and cease in their virtually unqualified veneration of the Creeds, and at last confess the possibility that the historic Church has erred in its eschatology.

    In thus humbling ourselves in the sight of the Lord, we will discover a more biblical worldview, and will bring glory to the Eternal Gospel.


  2. The apostles and prophets did not speak or write their own concept of things.

    They were promised, and given, the Holy Spirit that they might be guided into all truth.

    What they taught was inspired by God, and therefore is reliable and trustworthy as truth, being above human theory or speculation.

    If they taught the saints to look for the coming of Christ in their lifetime (and they did), we can rest assured that it was the truth, and it came to pass exactly as God said it would.

    God cannot and does not lie.

    The New Testament writers may have not had a clear or proper concept of every facet of Christianity, but one thing is certain – inspiration never allowed them to put into writing one false or erroneous concept of their own. To deny this, or to charge error to apostolic writing, is to deny the authenticity of the Bible.

    If inspiration taught that Christ was coming in "that generation," and we say he hasn't come yet (nearly 2000 years later), someone is wrong.

    To blame the apostles or the other New Testament writers is contrary to the promise and purpose of the Holy Spirit and undermines faith in the Bible.

    It seems more likely that the error rests in our own interpretation, not theirs.

  3. In Revelation 20, Satan (the enemy) goes out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, God and Magog to gather them together to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea.

    They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. And fire came down from God out of heaven and devoured them.” (Rev. 20:9)

    The object of attack for Gog and Magog is the “camp of the saints” and the beloved city.” In Hebrews we are told that the “city of the living God” is the “heavenly Jerusalem,” i.e. the general assembly and church of the firstborn ones.” (Heb. 12:22-23).

    This means that Gog and Magog, whose number was as the sand of the sea, attacked the church of Christ, the new camp of God’s saints, those considered as the Jews in the Spirit, (Rom. 2:28, 29) as opposed to Jews in the flesh, (Rom. 8:9), hence the new Israel of God, (Gal. 6:16), and true sons of Abraham by faith, (Gal. 3:26–29).

    Gog and Magog is then fleshly Israel who persecuted the saints of the first century. They are the enemies of Christ in Phil. 3, the objects of wrath in 1 Thess. 2:14–16, and the beast of Revelation who makes war with the saints.

    1. There is no question that Jews were in Asia minor in the first century, Rev. 2:9, 3:9.

    2. There is no question that Jews persecuted (warred against Christians) in the first century, (Gal. 4:29).

    3. There is no question that Christians had the Spirit, while Jews did not, having separated themselves sensual persons, did not have the Spirit, (Jude 19).

    4. There is no question that Jews gathered together with the nations, (Rome, etc. Acts 4:23), to fight against the Lord and his Christ and the church.

    5. There is no question that fleshly Israel was deceived into believing that God would bless them.

    6. There is no question that fleshly Israel was numbered as the sand of sea, a designation used to refer to them repeatedly in scripture.

    7. Fire, i.e., the judgments of God came down upon Gog and Magog, i.e. upon Biblical Israel in 70 A.D,

    (Matt. 3:10–12).

    – Fulfilled.

  4. Even a Christian cannot brush aside the worship of Jehovah as God. In Revelation 1:5 the Son of God called himself "Jesus Christ, 'The Faithful Witness.'" When on earth as a man he was a Jew, an Israelite, to whose nation the words of Isaiah 43:10 was written: "'You are my witnesses, ' is the utterance of Jehovah, 'even my servant whom I have chosen." Jesus demonstrated that he was a faithful and true witness of Jehovah God. His genuine disciples must be the same kind of witnesses, Jehovah's.

  5. Jesus Christ is not coming back to this earth ,he's already accomplished what what God sent him to do, His Kingdom is already set up in the hearts of those people that are saved, we are His witnesses to a lost and dieing world. Bible says, Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelieth in him, and he in God.

  6. I examined my own position and my army, considered the vast mass of the barbarian enemy, and I quickly betook myself to prayer to the gods of my country. They disregarded me.

    So I summoned those among us who go by the name of Christians. After some inquiry, I determined that there was a great number and vast host of them. When they appeared before me, I raged against them.

    This was not appropriate, for afterwards I learned their power.

    The Christians Go to Battle
    They began the battle not by preparing weapons or bugles. Such preparation is hateful to them because of the God they carry around in their conscience. We call them atheists, but it seems that they have a God as their ruling power in their conscience.

    I say this because they threw themselves on the ground and prayed not only for me, but for the whole army as it stood, so that they might be delivered from the present thirst and famine. For five days we had gotten no water because there was none. We were in the heart of Germany and in the enemy's territory.

    As soon as they threw themselves on the ground and began praying to God—a God of whom I am ignorant—water poured from heaven. On us it was most refreshing and cool, but upon the enemies of Rome it was a withering hail.

    We also immediately recognized the presence of a God after their prayer, a God unconquerable and indestructible.

    Marcus Aurelius 

    Marcus Aurelius Honors the Christians
    Because of this, then, let us pardon such as are Christians, lest they pray for and obtain such a weapon against us! And I counsel that no such person be accused by our courts only on the ground of being a Christian.

    If anyone is found laying to the charge of a Christian that he is a Christian, I desire that it be made clear that he who is accused is a Christian. If he acknowledges that he is one and is accused of nothing else, then whoever arraigns him should be burned alive.

    I also desire that whoever is entrusted with the government of the province shall not compel the Christian, who confesses and certifies such a matter, to retract.

    These things should be confirmed by a decree of the Senate.

    I command that this my edict be published in the Forum of Trajan in order that it may be read. The prefect Vitrasius Pollio will also see that it is transmitted to all the provinces round about.

  7. If man has been on earth for 100,000 years, as they claim, then why has mankind allowed the suffering and evil to continue for so long? Why can't mankind rid itself of its own evil nature? Why hasn't "science" solved the problem of evil? Sounds like many people are blaming God for something they cannot control, and refusing to accept the only solution for sin and evil, and that is Jesus.  

    Until mankind solves the problem of evil, I'm taking God up on this Jesus to save me, because men have no answers and just gripe and complain about everything they don't understand. Jesus said there would be suffering and evil in this life, and not to put our hope in it, but that we are being prepared for a higher eternal life.

    This whole business of trying to place blame for evil is nonsensical, because God doesn't put any value on this world, that's why he's taking a select few to His Heavenly Jerusalem. 

    "Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God…
    For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.
    Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?"

  8. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.

    The Holy Spirit convicts the ruler of this world with Truth, who has been found guilty, and none can lie and live in the purity of the presence of the Holy Spirit of Truth. For He hath no tolerance of corruption.

    For Jesus is the most righteous of all complainants, having been tortured, ridiculed and killed, though no sin was found in Him.  Thus, in the presence of God was His case found most just of all.  

    Thus, the Spirit of Truth comes to prosecute, to convict, and to execute judgment through us. On the wicked, the liar, and on the Spirit of corruption.  For in the days of Noah and of Christ was the generation perverse, and so shall they be again convicted when Christ returns.

    This generation of Jews from 1948 "shall not pass away", but shall see His Coming in the Clouds.

  9. Atheists are always more convincing when they can present their ideas unopposed, without evidence and with plenty of rescue mechanisms to fill in the gaps. I can only say that men have tried to invent flying machines or the ability to fly from the dawn of time, but it actually did happen once at Kitty Hawk, and now men fly.  So, since all the previous attempts were failures or myths, does that negate the ONE time it actually happened?  Edison made hundreds of attempts to invent the lightbulb, does that mean the one that succeeded was also a failure, or a myth?  But with Jesus, you must ask the question why he was actually REJECTED by those who set the stage for him, and his followers persecuted and killed for believing in him.  How does that reconcile with the hundreds of mythological pagan gods who were readily accepted and worshipped? 

    An artist as divine as the one who created the universe clearly understands the idea of foreshadowing. He knows he must put the idea in your mind before presenting the actuality.  Study this.

    And, where are the martyrs of Apollo?

    There are none.

    Jesus is most feared and rejected by those in darkness because he truly is.

  10. Elon Musk and many others claim we are living in a simulation, er, ah, creation, and that this is not the base reality (heaven?).  That's scientists talking.

    If it was created by an alien civilization, then who created the aliens?  That's an impossible regression.

    If it was created by God, then no explanation is possible because God exists outside the realm of 3D logic and physical laws.  Interesting how the closer you get to a black hole, all the known laws of physics disappear and leave only a mystery beyond.  But, yeah, Satan hacked the DNA source code, looks more and more like a computer program with each new scientific discovery, and we call that sin and we live in a delusion far from God's intended design, and Jesus came to fix that glitch in the matrix.  

    Jesus was God in the flesh, and he told us what we need to do and to accept him so we can overcome this inherent flaw in ourselves, put there by Satan, and join him in the perfect world he intended from the beginning, so he can delete the corrupted program and get us out of here so we can join him in the perfection…and I for one want to get out of this corrupt delusion and accept Jesus and join him in the perfect light and love!

    If you want to be separated from this perfection and continue to believe this delusion is all there is, I feel sorry for you.  That is sad.  

    Are you really so convinced this life is not just a dream?

  11. When you abandon the search for Truth so easily you end up with the myth of atheism and the attachment to a delusion.  
    There is a Lie so big people think it's true, and a Truth so big atheists think it is a lie.

    Atheism is the biggest myth ever foisted upon mankind, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I have never seen even one atheist complete an argument without getting angry, much less two that ever agreed on anything.

  12. 6 since it is a righteous thing with God to repay with [a]tribulation those who trouble you, 7 and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, 8 in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, 10 when He comes, in that Day, to be glorified in His saints and to be admired among all those who [b]believe, because our testimony among you was believed.

  13. They close in all around, and as they cast the net, if you are not among the mocking Christians, you are snatched away and considered among the first fruits of God's kingdom.  Then the Storm begins… 🌪️

    "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man."

    the seeds of thou harvest is the sown gathered thee hast 🪦

  14. In essence, this “Mother of Harlots” which ruled the kings of the earth from ancient times until now is  this transvestite deity Allah whose worship covers the entire region, then, and until now. So when Muslims roam roundabout the black stone it is a throwback to the worship of Ishtar, whom they called Athtar and Allat. St. John of Damascus said that the image of the Black Stone in the Kaaba in Mecca, is really an idol of Aphrodite porne, which is really just a Greek rendition of saying Allat or Ishtar, the harlot goddess.

  15. Actually, scientists are backing away from their own ideas of evolution because of the complexity of the universe, and even Darwin admitted he was probably wrong. Sorry. 😢

    “It is asking a great deal of intelligent people to believe the theory which is not supported by evidence, just where evidence is most needed. Now these missing links, if there are any, should be more highly developed than the forms lower down in the scale from which they evolved, and therefore more able to continue. Then why not continue, if they ever evolved, while their weaker progenitors, less able to live, continue to this day?”


    P.S. What you refer to as "magic" is actually provable in the new metaphysics, just because you haven't bothered to keep up with the science doesn't mean it's magic, anymore than primitive man would have believed a voice coming over a telephone to be "magic", you see, YOU are that primitive man…😮

    Even science does not accept its own evidence. It took Christopher Columbus to prove (not discover) the world was a sphere, yes, a Christian, while the pagan Catholic Scientists of the Inquisition said the world was flat and fire breathing dragons were waiting at the edges.😂😮

  16. "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also."

    I will come again…

    I will come again…

    I will come again…



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