

17 thoughts on “Shmups”

  1. Thinking back on the Monster Hunter thing, I still think extrinsic motivations can be a good thing. Other people mentioned ranking systems. Like obviously you shouldn't NEED a reason to replay a fun game, but that doesn't mean an extrinsic reason is necessarily a bad thing. Yes fun games are fun, but some people also have fun with goals. Whether that's S rank in an action game or grinding an armor set in MonHun, they're both extrinsic goals unrelated to the actual gameplay, designed to make players want to replay scenarios, just one is more skill-based than the other. You should just want to replay fun games/missions because they're fun, and mastery is its own reward, but I still think most people LIKE external motivations. And I don't think that's completely artificial game design, as even the best games often have an extrinsic form of incentivising replays. Also, in the context of a team game like Monster Hunter, having certain items you all want to get boosts morale and camaraderie.

  2. The way you said about English-language learners, your enunciation in older videos, and you eventually fall from it – it’s a kind of lacerating to my little ghost inside the shell. For me still, the main attraction of the earlier edition of Matthewmatosis was the writing form, and the exceptional speech form was just an icing on the cake, which actually gave me the strong impression back then. But I has to say your channel was one of the hitches in my decision to get serious into English and other foreign languages. After all these years, now I’m having a job owing to it.

  3. merry christmas! since i likely wont catch one of these live till then.

    also rabi ribi isnt so much a great metroidvania as it is just a game with really good boss fights. Also play acceleration of suguri 2.

  4. Youtube has helped me improve my english substantially, I did have english lessons, but by far listening to hours upon hours of english in videos helped me the most, gaming was (and still is) my main hobby, so I watched a lot of videos about gaming content even if I didn't understand for the first year or so. I discovered your channel after I was already fluent, but I think it's likely your effort to pronunciate words correctly helped someone else along their learning journey. If the cosmic dice had landed differently, maybe I would be one of those learning a little something from you, so don't think your effort was in vain or condescending.

    Funnily enough, by learning english from a variety of sources, sometimes I say certain words in a different accent (most commonly british). So an ELS student with a irish accent can certainly be a thing lmao.

  5. Based on what you said toward the end, you should really ask for a Jai beta invite. If you explain your situation I think he'll invite you, even if it's just to try. All the terrible OS-level stuff and basic graphics functions are handled, and the documentation is amazing. You can easily throw together a rudimentary shmup day 1 and see how you like it.

  6. Honnestly, out of all the practise options (credit feeding, save states and level selects), credit feeding is definetly the worse. It may still work with PC engine games because games still had checkpoint systems, and there was still an attempt to transform arcade games into console games, limiting the number of credits. Shmups released after the early 90s don't. The patterns are about to get crazy, and respawning after the crazy pattern that killed you won't help you much learning it. Trust me, there is a reason that level selects and/or save states is an important feature of a shmup port, whereas "infinite credit" is not.

  7. Thanks to matt's example I've been playing shmups and other gameplay focused games without cookie clicker design and I'm finding that I'm having way more fun with way less stress and compulsion to be "efficient".


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