Shield of Baal Campaign Warhammer 40k Lore and History


46 thoughts on “Shield of Baal Campaign Warhammer 40k Lore and History”

  1. "There is always beauty, even in the depths of ugliness, even in the depths of defeat,โ€ said Dante. โ€œYour song raises us all above this realm of earthly flesh, for we are angels and warriors in equal part. Our devotion to our Emperor and our gene-father is a paragon to which the citizens of the Imperium have long aspired. Now we stand upon the brink of death, this will not change. I say let us not go into the long silences of history, but stride forward into legend.

    If the tyranids remained without guidance, we might survive here, behind the walls of the Heavenward Redoubt. But they reorganise. The hive mind is disrupted no longer. Our Librarians report the shadow falls once more. It is weak, but it grows stronger with every passing minute, coalescing around one potent nexus.

    If this is allowed to continue the tyranids will become of one mind again, and they shall attack without mercy, and we will perish here, within these walls. We have no notice of the fleet. The void is awash with the energies of the warp. If we strike down their leader, we may deal the swarm one fatal deathblow, and save the worlds beyond Baalโ€ฆ

    In this way, we will win a victory of sorts. We will most likely die in the attempt. Millions of them remain, scant thousands of us. If we stay behind these walls, they will overwhelm the last of our defences in a few days. This is the only way. The shadow in the warp is a many-headed monster, more ferocious than the hydra of ancient tales, for it has a billion times a billion heads, and all must be severed before it will die.

    We have the blades! We have the will! Let us carve the skulls of this creature. Are we not the sons of the Great Angel? Are we not the most blessed of all Adeptus Astartes?

    Our primarch was among the first to die, but he lives eternal in all our beings. The meat and blood of our bodies are his host. For ten thousand years we have protected his legacy within the fortresses of our bodies.โ€

    Dante bows his head here.

    โ€That time is at an end. We are all Death Company now. The sarcophagi lie shattered, their occupants devoured, and our future upon Baal has died with them. The Chapter is finished here, but it is not yet dead. Our bloodline may survive, in the gene-seed of our brothers elsewhere in the galaxy, it may not. This question of survival is no longer ours to contemplate.

    Divert your gaze from the future, and think of the present, of now, of what we might accomplish in these next, glorious hours. For if we must go into the darkness of extinction, let us do so with our swords in our hands and the wrath of Sanguinius in our grasp. When tidings of this battle reach other worlds, let them lift up their guns and say We shall not fall! We shall not die meekly. Through battle we remember and honour the sons of Baal!

    Who will say โ€˜aye,โ€™ who will raise his sword with mine? Who will bring burnished steel and wrathful soul to the slaughter, and let red ruin flow? Who will die in remembering our lord? Our flesh may be devoured, but they cannot touch our souls! We are the most blessed of the Emperorโ€™s warriors.

    The soul of our lord lives in the minds and the hearts of every one of us, we the red clad, the blood hungry. We the wrathful and the pure. We, the sons of Sanguinius, most noble and glorious of all the primarchs, we hold more than his memory in our hearts and minds The Great Angel would not lurk here waiting for his end. He would strike out, seeking to destroy the leader of his enemies as he did when he confronted his brother Horus.

    Such a choice is now ours, as it was our fatherโ€™s. If we do this, we shall all surely perish, but Baal may yet escape, and play host to Space Marines still. You and I will not be among them, but the name of the Blood Angels and the score of other Chapters who fought with us here will yet be known across the galaxy.

    For a millennium I have worn this mask, so long that mortal humans on a thousand worlds equate Dante with Sanguinius. One has become the other. I have no need of a mask any longer, I need not wear our lordโ€™s face. He is in here, in my hearts.

    I reveal my face to you, long hidden for shame of the weakness age reveals. I shall wear this mask when I fight, in honour of our lord, but I go into the final battle not as a poor facsimile of our father, but as Commander Luis Dante, son of Baal, son of the Great Angel, whose living body is the host of the primarch!

    What say you, warriors of Baal?โ€ he said in a ferocious whisper that rose in volume and power.

    โ€That we let slip the Red Thirst one final time, and fly upon wings of wrath with our lord unto battle? I commend you all, oh ye mighty, to the protection of the Great Angel. For the Emperor, for Sanguinius! There is no more beauty to be had from life, so let us then seek a beautiful death!โ€

    "A beautiful death! For the Emperor! For Sanguinius!โ€ the doomed angels shouted. Their voices shook the ruins of the Basilica Sanguinarum.

    โ€Then we march. All of us who bear the Blood. Chaplain Ordamael, summon the Amarean Guard. Open the gates of the Tower of Amareo. Let the damned march with the damned.โ€

  2. โ€˜Blessed be Sanguinius, Primogenitor and Lord of our Chapter. All Glory to him and the Emperor of Man, may his light guide and preserve us. Might of the Sanguinor, give us strength and fortitude, bind us…โ€™

    โ€˜By the will of the Archangel of Baal, Lord Sanguinius, the saviour, the sacrifice, do we pledge ourselves anew to the Emperorโ€™s purposeโ€™

    โ€˜The bonds of Blood transcend all others. But no blood runs stronger than that of Sanguiniusโ€™

    My armour is contempt!

    My Shield is disgust!

    My Sword is Hatred!
    In the Emperors name, let none survive!
    Suffer not the Xenos to live!

    Ave Imperator Dominus! Deus Imperator regnum imperpetua!

  3. THIS is the format where you dominate without impunity Prince. There's only one mad beast that tells you the tales from the far future for 3ish hours straight,and it's capital A.B.P haha.seriously, this format is your place.

    Also , that intro man.. marvelous. You gotta mix it with your signature warcry "no faulter, for the glory of .." somehow and that is Mandatory to be your new intro .

    Just when I was going to listen for the N time the devastation of Baal, I got this boon.


  4. Made for an awesome Sunday night! Such an awesome story youโ€™ve shared here thank you for putting in the work and effort to put this all together! Hats off ABP BRAVO! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  5. There's other lore content creators out there, but none of them come close to your immersive narration. I love the others I watch too but you're just simply the best on the platform


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