She's Using Her Husband's Death For TikTok Views…

Today we’re gonna be taking a look at a TikToker who is using the death of her husband for views and to sell her book. Credit to Bush on TikTok for the deep dive



49 thoughts on “She's Using Her Husband's Death For TikTok Views…”

  1. Seriously! What a narcissist!
    What a sick behavior!
    She doesn't care about her husband. She cares about her. This is selfish, disturbing and very inappropriate. Her poor husband cannot rest in peace because she's not able to let him go… and for bad reasons. She's exploiting him over and over again… Leave your husband in peace for God sake!!!

  2. My nephew was murdered . It was and Still is heartbreaking , but unless you are my husband or my family you probably don't know about him. Why? Because I'm not insane. I don't go around crying to the world … this lady clearly has some type of issues and she needs help.

  3. The neighbour said they was neighbors 20 years ago and that girl was dating him at the time but wasn't married. Yet the guy died 13 years ago? So theres a 7 year gap where they wasn't neighbors, they could of easily got married in that 7 years so its not really "proof". That being said its weird she doesn't show pictures of them together.. infact her whole behaviour is just straight up weird and unhinged. Would be interesting to have the guys family take on the situation. Quite surprised they haven't spoke out against her behaviour, as even if she was married to him what she is doing is sick.

    Okay funnily enough just got a notification for another video thats on the same story.

    Apparently they was engaged and also found a old photo of him and her together. So maybe theres more truth to her story than people are saying. Either way she does seem a bit unhinged and should probably go to therapy.

  4. This is messed up. Though She reminds me of Misty from YJ really fanatically extreme.
    She has some screws loose smiling as she tells the world about this dead guy. Yeah she really needs help ASAP.

  5. So she stalks military people, always ends up just infront of them at Mackie dee'sdrive through,.. Write's a letter just incase,.. i would of burst out laughin at that weird shit 🤣

  6. Channels as pitiful as this continue because there are those who feed into it…and THOSE are the ones she feeds off of…WHY would anyone want to CONSTANTLY mention their partner being brutally murdered?…think of the reactions she gets, someone gives her a friendly warm welcome…she opens her mouth with something so tragic and DARK…then people feel pity but then start to put distance between themselves and her…I know I would, it's too bad the poor guy doesn't HAUNT her one day and tell her to knock it off….🤣 the more I listen to her talk, and her CREEPY smile talking about his murder, makes me wonder….is she mentally ill?…..Is she one of them women who creep her partner out with things like watching him sleep at night, or say things like "I just love you to death"…only she MEANS IT….😳😳… like a FATAL ATTRACTION thing 😳😳and it also just goes to show you how people will BULLSHIT thinking NO ONE will ever recognize them or know who they are speaking better than she does!!…This is the information age and some people STILL try to pull off crap like this just to make money!!…ain't it kinda FUNNY how she mentions TRUTH?

  7. it’s nice of her to buy junk food for people who are gonna pay for it anyway. And putting drive thru workers in the Most Uncomfortable position to entertain the public.

  8. Lisa Marie Fusco.
    He passed away 13 years ago.
    Her Twitter page seems to be inactive for about 8 years.
    There are a couple vague mentions of him with a photo that is now about 11 years old. Photos from his mom's Facebook page. Really vague mentioning of him.
    Nothing earth shattering.
    She sure mentions writing!
    Its obvious she came up with this as a way to jump start a career in writing.
    Im not sure if she is mentally ill or just evil and manipulative.

  9. You have to face the fact that people like her are just the disease.
    The vaccine to her type of virus is basic parental education, rational thought, and critical thinking.

    There used to be the guy standing on a soap-box in town selling snake-oil, or a flimflam preacher selling a guaranteed way into the Pearly Gates.
    This hasn’t changed in a thousand years, it’s just a different format.
    It’s still the very same ignorance of the very same people themselves, that give any validation or credibility to these people.

  10. She actually sounds like one of those women who claim they are with the love of their life when they are barely friends. And he isn’t here to set the record straight so she gets away with it. I wonder who she is stalking in real life?

  11. Looking through Reddit, the family has been notified and are horrified. They don’t really know her. One group photo was found of them together- but ages before his passing. I believe they went on one date? But he was actually with someone else when he died. She blocks anyone who denies their relationship.


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