Sheriff Orders His Deputies To Arrest Journalist For Obstruction Of Justice!

Fellow Patriots & Freedom Lovers, I was peacefully exercising my First Amendment Rights at the Pittsburg County Courthouse in Oklahoma when I was confronted by two Sheriff Deputies. They informed me that the Sheriff Chris Morris ordered them to arrest me if I didn’t stop recording immediately. I would apparently be charged with Obstruction Of Justice. I told the Deputies it looked like I was going to have to stake the ride…Please be sure to hit the Like button and Share this video, it truly helps spread this around for more Patriots to see it and I appreciate it!

If you feel the need to PEACEFULLY petition your grievances to your government OR commend any public servants on their behavior regarding this incident I will leave public contact information below. Always remember, this is your right under the 1st Amendment to the U.S Constitution!

Pittsburg County Sheriff – Chris Morris

[email protected]

+1 (918)-423-5858

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Video is for educational purpose only,
The legal topics covered in Long Island Audit are designed to be educational
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incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens about constitutionally protected activities, law, and civilian rights, and emphasize
the importance of constitutional awareness.


45 thoughts on “Sheriff Orders His Deputies To Arrest Journalist For Obstruction Of Justice!”

  1. I went to the sheriff's to lodge a complaint regarding a cop. The lady said "we don't have complaint forms:. They send out a guy with a gun in SWAT gear to browbeat you until you agree to leave and STFU. I wrote in my complaint and sent in USPS mail. No question in my mind all of my complaints were crumpled up and filed. Of some importance…..out of half a dozen written complaints….I have never heard from this sheriff. The sheriff ignores everything…..and that him an ignorant sheriff.

  2. Lol, these poor cops… they're tryin so hard to be respectful but still do the job that the old school mentality, under which they are trained and supervised, THINKS they were hired to do. Since the inception of "policing" there has been a mentality of "I am the boss, I make the rules, I enforce the rules, and if you don't flatter me with either fearful or dewy-eyed submission I'm gonna PROVE to you just how above the law, and therefore SUPERIOR to you, I am!" I think what this vid proves better than anything else is that things ARE getting better but the misguided instinct of law enforcement is still an issue that will only be overcome by ongoing education, training and continuous practice & exorcise.

  3. Tweedle dee and tweedle dum. If you’re going to be a tyrant take pride. You got two slobs that looked like they slept in their uniforms and couldn’t pass a physical if their life depended on it.

  4. My home state of Oklahoma home of crooked lawyers crooked judge crooked cops crooked district attorney's and public officials you can make 1000 videos a day here in Oklahoma and you could not surprise me with any of them my state local governments have written the books on corruption .. and looking at them two deputies that looks like they share the same DNA I would not be surprised if everybody in that courthouse was kin to each other that seems to be the thing here in Oklahoma keep it a family affair

  5. It's not really a waste of resources to have two deputies tie up a guy with a camera, because the resources are already being wasted. Most cops of all types have nothing to do most of the time. That's why anywhere from two to ten of them can show up for a guy with a camera. Most cops are a waste of tax money. These two were placed in an awkward position. Good thing they don't get their egos involved.

  6. This long island audit might fight for you legal rights but if win a prize you will be screw why he tells you to message him on telegram and he tells you the shipping pay $165 than he says $145 and than after you pay that he let's you know insurance is $140 than reduces to $120 so you pay that you think your done NO than shawn says it will be $80.00 for ddu than reduces it to $40.00. and i did not pay that. He says he is located in Long Island but the phone number that called me at 1:30 and 3:30 in the morning was from was from california and when you call it back it is NOT long island audit. We will be investigating this because sean paul reyes took me for $265.00 and he might be a good auditor but behind the senes it is a different story and i have all the messages. What a FAKE he is as bad as the cops. 😡😡👊👊

  7. The woman who took your open records request was a BITCH!!! Wonder how many people she's screwed out of .25/page for documents that are supposed to be free?!! Lady, you really need to review statutes before spewing off at the mouth about things of which you are CLUELESS!!


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