She Quit Carnivore (former Vegan) OFF for a Month and counting,…

Emma, my vegan-turned-carnivore daughter QUIT carnivore and hasn’t been carnivore for over 30 days. Here is what happened.

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35 thoughts on “She Quit Carnivore (former Vegan) OFF for a Month and counting,…”

  1. Girl I ADORE ice cream. I bought a tiny ice cream maker on Amazon- and I use heavy cream and egg yolks – I do buy flavors such as mint, or cotton candy and use them occasionally. I add some ethytrol ( sp?) and monk fruit. I graduated from that and I do not use the sweetener, but will chop up 85% dark chocolate or use chopped raspberries or wild blueberries as sweetener.. i recommend trying this- bc I think as a women out cycles sometimes throw us out of alignment – I know I crave things when I am about to get my period & this is when I make my slip ups.

    I allow myself this and I do not allow guilt :
    Raspberries and 85% dark chocolate. ( I stay to a small amount)

    These are my two allowed vices if I eat them – I give myself this. Food addiction is so real and it’s so hard to be infront of temptation. Set yourself up for success and pack yourself some snacks for work.
    Bacon , jerky , meat sticks, baby cheeses ,

    Also- I do like zollipops- these are amazing and I have them once a month.

  2. In the interest of constructive commentary… probably not the best idea teaching her to drive with music blasting. Even with the windows down, won't be able to hear a police or fire siren until they're on top of you. With the windows up and music blasting, won't hear anything.

  3. When I get cravings, I make Dr Kiltz carnivore ice cream. 1 pint heavy cream, 2 egg yolks, salt. Put in an ice cream machine and enjoy. Or you can shake or blend with an immersion blender and freeze for 3-4 hours (that's what I do). Not having sweets at all- it is perfectly sweet as it is. Dr Kiltz also adds vanilla paste or extract.

  4. Emma is young. It’s fantastic that she knows so much about food. She can have a treat or two now and then and still be okay. After she doesn’t feel well after eating treats, she’ll cut them when she’s ready.

    She’s got youth on her side.

    Yummy looking steak

  5. Expect the best but prepare for the worst. You will fall from time to time, accept that and have a plan. Get back up and keep going. It's life. We get better with more experience.

  6. That’s why you don’t let kids make life changing decisions like this. My daughter said she wanted to try vegan. I said not until you’re out of my house. She changed her mind on it over a couple of years like kids do. She’s out of the house and still eats meat daily. I wish I could convince her to drop the carbs. It’s a big life change. Eventually she will I’d bet.
    Dads that have energy and aren’t fat and depressed can help their kids make good choices.

  7. I've been basically 99% carnivore for a couple years now, the only times I cheat is on family birthdays and social occasions and if you keep it to that I do not think it's a major issue, I always feel a bit worse for 2 or 3 days, but you have to still live life, it's about doing the best we can and that also means celebrating my kids and my nephews birthdays and not making them about my preferences 😉 I definitely feel the difference though particularly my anxiety is significantly higher, while on carnivore it's basically non existent, and it actually helps remind me why I eat the way I do in the first place.

  8. Very brave girl. To keep showing up. How you look and sound in this video compared to your day 14 carnivore…is chalk and cheese…it takes time…we all fall…but every time you get up…you get stronger. Emma…you got this! The longer you go carnivore…the less your urge for sugar will be…as you know ..i have gone off and on i understand. Its a journey to find your best self.

  9. You 2 are hilarious. Emma…I know the pain and frustration. I just came back from a 2 month trip seeing my grandchildren, parents and a lot of family. The temptations got the best of me and I ate things that have thrown my body out if wack. I am finally back home now (Alaska) and like you ready to put things back in order with good Carnivore food🙏 Good luck to you. Lean on your Dad…he’s a smart guy (w/ narley grippers😆)

  10. I have been living carnivore around the same amount of time as Kerry. I see several others on the different pages are dealing with falling off and having some trouble getting back on fully. The cravings are real and the food as addictive as any drug. Ice cream is a common craving/weakness! I've fallen off too and getting back on track, again!

  11. Good on you Emma. I relate to your story. Wildlife and insects are animals too. I will gladly support healthy home steading over mono culture crop industry any day.

    Eating ruminants who've had good lives and who can help multiple people THRIVE, is far better than eating bland non-nutritional veggies that help kill millions of insects and birds.

  12. commercial chicken eggs are not fertilized. chickens lay unfertilized eggs even if there's no rooster around. so as long as the chickens have a good life it is not hurting anyone or anything by eating chicken eggs. the only exception to this is chickens that have a good life are running around eating bugs instead of unhealthy corn.

  13. I believe it was Dr kilts that made carnivore Ice Cream by whipping heavy cream and adding a little Stevia and putting it in the freezer I think he said you could put a couple of drops of vanilla don't quote me on that😊

  14. I make 1 cup of chilled cream/ 1 cup of milk (both a2) and 1 raw egg yolk milk shakes to keep cravings at bay. I can have 2-3 in a week, but then don’t even think about it for the next 3 months. Wishing best of luck to Emma on her journey.

  15. I was vegan for 6 1/2 years an went carnivore. My body just Took the meat in so easily. I'm stick to it. Plus I was able to lose the lbs I couldn't as a vegan. Carnivore is so Easy. No meal prepping, chopping etc. I feel great so far. I Dont do dairy. I feel like that stalls the fat loss but do what's best for you.

  16. Did she quit though? it's more like a break because life happens. I call it a hiccup. She knows carnivore is better for her and she wants to go back to it, so it's not really quitting.

  17. Time to try Kiltz ice cream…. it's super good
    Egg yolk, heavy cream, and maybe a weeny bit of honey. Almost no carbs… all the nutrients

    PS, the barefoot pain on rocks is mostly a sensory thing, you feet have some of the most nerves of your entire body but never sees any use because of simple indoors floors and shoes, which makes you feet hypersensitive, it trains out in a few weeks of barefoot.

  18. Such ignorance among our youth. For them, decisions are mostly emotional – How they 'feel' about things in their lives. Add to the mix the 'Progressive' education most receive in schools. Plus all the peer pressure among classmates. . . . The trick to becoming a real adult is taking responsibility and making the EFFORT (work!!) to educate ourselves about reality. She says that 'failure is a lesson.' No, failure is an opportunity to learn a lesson,; but most don't see the opportunity. Thanks for a great vid.

  19. Thanks for sharing the experience. It helps people like me (Wisconsinite 😊) hopefully learn from you and not have to take that dive into the ice cream bowl.

    Question, for your dad, have you seen Dr. Sean O'Mara's interview with Dr. Berry? He might be interested in giving info for your documentary.
    Enjoy you day.


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