Sha’ul, Reasons to believe in YaHUAH God

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42 thoughts on “Sha’ul, Reasons to believe in YaHUAH God”

  1. Is he suggesting that the translations of the Torah all agree with one another? Because even the earliest Greek ones don't- there's the Septuagint, and then there's the much more literal translations of Symmachus and Theodotion.

  2. Scripture doesn't say we're "supposed to" live off the land; it describes an agricultural society. It was only in modern times that secular Jewish labor movements began to stress the importance of agricultural work rather than the sorts of trades that were often practiced by Jews in Europe.

  3. 55:36. TJump says "This is the way your brain works"…
    yes, and…
    My grandmother had a recurring dream. She began to have this dream when she was a very small child.
    In her dream, a door opened and there was a beautiful room with large windows and white curtains.
    There were flowers on the table and very large windows overlooking some very large snow covered mountains.
    When the windows were opened, she could see the mountain tops and the fresh mountain air would begin to
    make the long white curtains framing the window begin to flutter. As she looked around the room, she could see a lovely large bed with fresh white linens. She was not alone in the room.
    My grandmother could describe all of the details in this room from her dreams and she loved telling us all about her Dream Room. My grandfather knew my grandmother's dream room so well, that he could also tell us all about her dream.

    Many, many years later, when my Grandparents were retired, they took a trip to Europe.
    One of their many trips to Europe, and they checked into a Hotel in the Swiss Alps.
    When the door to their hotel room was opened, this hotel room was the exact replica of the room in my
    grandmother's reoccurring dream.

  4. “. . . and again this conversation would not be happening if it were not for someone searching for spiritual answers”
    Umm – no. This conversation would not be happening if it were not for all the scientific research that led to dude being able to communicate with Tom over the internet.

  5. This guys doesn't know what he's talking about lmao It's so weazely to pretend your listening and say you agree while inserting from the start your right because you converted a lil scripture. he has no evidence and no understanding of morality or the issues he's bringing up. Tjump you are so good at explaining clearly what you mean I respect that 👍 but you can help em all lol just give this guy sum sources because whatever he's attempting to read is just confusing him. Honestly think he just wanted to jump on the religious band wagon because he wants to sound smart n all he could do is change the subject n say mmm when proved wrong. Obvious he doesnt care about the truth its so obvious hes projecting he just want an answer so he found somthing that makes him feel better . Superman makes me feel better but its a story the rest of the bs he just took as fact when its not is concerning just wow .

  6. Postulating we all have evolved from the Earth' is not necessarily entirely accurate since numerous organic molecules required for life have been identified in asteroids and so life's evolution on Earth may have been accelerated and aided from material delivered to the Earth after its initial formation..

  7. It's pretty telling when they reduce their god definition down to the point where it becomes meaningless.

    Keep in mind that the Bible states that people come from dust.

    "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground".

  8. must be hard to swim in all that crap every day ,
    it's probably why these people need some help from their own imagination and make up a little friend To help them ,
    we used to call that schizophrenia , but now it's just called ''being in a religion'' and nobody bats an eye

  9. Atheism don't provide a moral framework in the same way that the lack of belief in Bigfoot doesn't provide a moral framework. It's just a description to indicate some form of lack of belief in god, or in some cases a belief that god doesn't exist.

  10. I like that empty, blank, low energy expression on the religious guys face. That guy is in that deep deep hole called religion, and he is not coming out of that one any time soon. We are looking at a very lost and confused man.


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