Shanda Vander Ark: Tough Love or Monster Mom?

Shanda Vander Ark went to trial last December and was convicted and then sentenced in January of this year to life in prison without parole for starving and torturing her 15 year old son Timothy Ferguson which led to his demise in the early morning hours of July 6, 2022. At the time of his passing, Timothy weighed only 69 pounds. In addition to having food withheld, he was also subjected to frequent ice baths, restraints, and other horrific acts. Timothy’s older brother Paul Ferguson also participated in the “punishments” under the direction of Shanda. In a separate hearing in late February of this year, Paul Ferguson was sentenced 30 to 100 years for first-degree child abuse.
This is day one of the trial.
#shandavanderark #timothyfurguson #paulferguson


13 thoughts on “Shanda Vander Ark: Tough Love or Monster Mom?”

  1. There are so many cases and im not sure if you've covered them or not? Like the Tiktok star that murdered his wife and her friend Ray, Then the one that just ended Wade Wilson, Then the dad who threw his son on the treadmill because his 6year old was "fat"🙄 Christopher Gregor, then theres Robin Howington trial, and you know Chad Daybell got the DP?

  2. I watched this trial shortly after it ended. It was such a rabbit hole! It’s so disgusting and infuriating. This woman and her son are pathetic excuses of human beings. I can’t even begin to understand how anyone to treat another human being like they did. Let alone my own child! I hope they both get what’s coming to them via prison justice!

  3. I beleive Shanda thought she was in some type of competition with her son and she wanted to make sure she won. Also there is a reason she previously loss her children to protective services and was not suppose to have them. She knew she was not suppose to have those children.


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