Shadow Work: A Simple Key to Your Hidden Potential

Shadow Work: A Simple Key to Your Hidden Potential
When we hear the word ‘shadow,’ our minds often jump to mysterious, dark corners of our psyche that we’d rather not visit. Yet, it’s essential to understand that the shadow isn’t solely a dark or evil place; it’s an integral part of who we are.

The concept of the shadow was introduced to Western thought by Carl Jung, a psychologist who delved deep into the human psyche. According to him, the shadow contains the parts of ourselves that we’ve hidden away—traits or tendencies that we’ve decided are bad or undesirable. Yet, these aspects aren’t inherently negative; they’re simply facets of our personalities that haven’t seen the light of day. Think of it as the “forgotten you,” the aspects you’ve pushed out of your conscious awareness.
Find out more from the video.

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45 thoughts on “Shadow Work: A Simple Key to Your Hidden Potential”

  1. My "mama" (grandmother) raised me to stay focused and obedient to God the Father first. She was always a reflection of His love. A beautiful soul and spirit. I was often punished, grounded and abused in many ways by my biological mother who was never a true believer in the Highest Power and often an expression of hatred to her mother. She worshipped false idols instead. In all things forgive, of course.❤ Ive learned that the witch will "trigger" anger behaving in spite and unforgiveness for me not following her ways. The witch will lie and have others attacking me as if I am not in obedience to Him. I stay in the light. Stay true to myself. I look to noone for leadership but Him. I am often different than others in my speech and actions. I dont tend to go with the crowd. Its not being difficult or defiant, its being aligned with His purpose for my life. My "shadow self" is one that is sick of witches, ones that dont have relationship with Him, but attempt to retain power where they have none.

  2. Brothers keep in mind and keep all in perspective. Your emotions reactions and responses should under your control. Otherwise they'll be under someone else's. Stoicism self control and discipline is honoring the Masculine but not being a robot. Be wise!

  3. You have explained shadow work so well. I could visualize what you were saying which helped me to understand. I have been doing shadow work for almost all my life even without really knowing it. But now my awareness is acute and I did not understand why there were triggers in my life…. But i knew they were triggers. Now I know how to be with these.
    Thank you!🌺❤️🌺🙏

  4. I have much experience with the shadow side of myself and it is where I can be myself as opposed to doing what most people tell me is right when I know for certain that most people are wrong and headed down the wrong life path to the next world.

  5. When you start doing shadow work, you have to understand that it is a never-ending journey because there are always things or triggers that are going to pop up. These triggers are going to bring up memories that are going to remind you of the dark aspects you hid away, and the only way to overcome these aspects is to accept them for what they are, not what you want them to be. Once you learn to love yourself and have gratitude in your heart for everything that you have, all of the blessings and the wisdom in the lessons that you have been given, only then can you truly start diminish the power of the shadow, but it requires taking responsibility for one's choices, actions, and decisions throughout life, it also takes a willingness to remember who you truly are. ❤🫂💯

  6. Ouch. I've heard of doing shadow work, but I never really understood it. This really helped me realize something from my childhood, that I still carry with me today. I genuinely had no idea, but I get it now. I feel bad for the tiny version of me now. I don't blame my family… I was the youngest and smallest, why would they listen??
    Thank you so much for this.. exactly this. I was able to peel away the layers as your description unfolded. I think I get it now. Thank you. 💞✨

  7. Another synchronicity:

    I saw this yesterday and it blew my mind. For me this video was another synchronicity.

    A little background: Recently(like 4-5ish months ago) after hitting rock bottom, I started working on myself a lot, got myself out of depression(that I had been struggling with since the past 4-5 years by being in and out of it constantly), started praying a lot, started learning things that I had really been interested in, reading, watching educational content; got really interested in spirituality/Sufism, astronomy, philosophy and a bit of psychology. I reconnected with the parts of me that I had forgotten, the memories—blocked by my mind as a coping mechanism—came back. Everything was and is great even my friendships are way more meaningful and fulfilling, I feel more connected to my family.

    One thing that led me to it all was astronomy, my love and great curiosity for space & meaning of life.

    In the mean time I started noticing tones of synchronicities happening all around me, initially I didn’t think too much about it. I’ve been noticing so many synchronicities around me on a daily basis and it’s scary because I don’t understand it.

    I also used to watch your videos a lot and I could really really relate with everything in the video “signs of spiritual awakening” by you.

    Since the past two weeks things have not been so great, been facing some random hurdles & setbacks in lots of things, and as a result I haven’t been feeling as motivated.

    These days, ive started to dive back into the pumping my brain with new information & ideas I had no prior knowledge of or don’t yet completely understand.

    I’ve been really into Carl Jung’s theories, shadow work, inner work, active imagination, communicating with the subconscious etc. In fact, even the day before yesterday, I was watching all those videos and was trying to practice & activate my active imagination, with having a lot of questions in my mind. And only a few hours later you put up a video about it too.


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