Shadow PROPOSES! – Shadow Finds Sally… | Q&A LIVE

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21 thoughts on “Shadow PROPOSES! – Shadow Finds Sally… | Q&A LIVE”

  1. Stream Summary: “Shadally & Shaderapy”

    — Sally has been hanging out with Knuckles on Angel Island on her “Meet Sonic’s Friends” tour. Knuckles, the sweet lug, has been trying to impress her by lifting rocks over his head. But then Shadow shows up. Not wanting to deal with both of them at once, Sally thinks of excuses to get Knuckles out of the way temporarily. Leaving Shadow and Sally alone for most of the stream.

    — Shadow proposes to Sally, explaining he got the idea from his friend cream, a nine year old girl rabbit who believes in True Love. Sally laughs this off and explains to Shadow how crazy that sounds, and also sets him straight on the whole “Stork” business.

    — What follows is lot of humorous/sweet back and forth with some interjecting from Chat. Shadow’s presidential aspirations are discussed more. Sally tries to teach Shadow what’s normal. She also suggests he get some therapy and tutoring on her island, which is free.

    — Ultimately, Shadow decides that it would be in his best interest to go with Sally to Acorn Island and get the therapy/tutoring. However he must do the Uncle Chuck DNA test first, of which Sally can’t help but laugh at and can hardly contain herself whenever it is brought up. She does keep it together though and we don’t hear her genuine thoughts on the subject one way or the other.

    — Sally leaves, but not before giving Shadow a kiss (my guess is on the cheek). Shadow’s resolve to go to Acorn Island is then increased 10 fold.

    This was a really sweet and chill stream. I am genuinely impressed with how Sally is able to calm Shadow and work with him through his crazier tendencies. I look forward to seeing how this develops.

    Until next time…


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