Shadow of the Tomb Raider – Part 2

The mystery of the twin goddess of the moon, Trinity and Richard croft takes a disastrous twist today! Also wiki rabbit holes and potentially awful audio.


12 thoughts on “Shadow of the Tomb Raider – Part 2”

  1. I've recently completed this trilogy for the first time and I think the DLCs added a lot to the game. I still think that Rise of the Tomb Raider is my favorite in the trilogy overall though. Anyway, I'm excited for a WP playthrough with all of the accompanying discussion!

  2. Excited to see these LPs! I also got through a good chunk of this game a few years ago and then got distracted and never came back to it. Now I'm feeling that I'll have to pick it up again!

  3. I think normally I'd never go out of my way to watch a Tomb Raider or a Final Fantasy LP (considering I never played those franchises), but I dont know, the way you present games is so entertaining that I find myself just watching all your LP series

  4. Hey WP, does the game explain in more detail why removing the dagger causes the apocalypse? When I played the game, I kept expecting some sort of explanation eventually, but I don't think I ever got one, however, I may have missed it. I'm hoping it is not handwaved away by simply saying it was prophesized to happen.

    I'm really enjoying the series so far and is looking forward to hearing your takes on the game mechanics and plot beats in your streams to come.


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