Shabbat Fellowship – May 13, 2023

Shabbat Shalom.


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2 thoughts on “Shabbat Fellowship – May 13, 2023”

  1. Hey brother Christopher, so yesterday, I have mentioned that the Torah was for the people for as long as humanity is existant and so on, when I said the sheep who are already in heaven no longer have a law, what confuses me is what does this have to do with lawlessness? Because these sheep that Jesus spoke about were people who followed the law until it was their lifestyle. Jesus was also brought down to earth through Mary to preach the gospel, to walk in the ways of God so he could set an example that the law is not hard, and Jesus specifically said "I did not come for the right but for the sinners" if the sheep are considered lawless if I claimed they wouldn't need the law anymore then why didn't Jesus say "the law is still in affect with the righteous but my priority is on the sinners"? The apostles cleansed themselves because it's what was commanded from the start and that was a habit for them so to speak, I think it was a mikvah/mitzvah where you sit in a tub and you emerge yourself in water a few times as a spiritual cleansing. I believe that cleansing was because they dwelt within the wicked for a while and they had to cleanse themselves so they didnt backslide. And just because Jesus followed the Torah doesn't mean he had the same law that Moses was given, if Jesus in the spirit dwelt among the angels who have divine power Jesus also had divine power. There is so much to talk on this that not even 1 comment can cover


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