SEVEN Tyrant Officers Respond To A Journalist Peacefully Exercising His Rights! Incoming Lawsuit!

Fellow Patriots & Freedom lovers, on December 6th I went to peacefully exercise my constitutional rights at the Baltimore County Government Building in Towson, Maryland when I was confronted by security & the county executive’s chief of staff. Law enforcement arrived (Tyrants) and escalated the situation threatening to arrest a peaceful journalist for exercising his constitutional rights! I was denied access and banned from the public building. I will not let this stand. We the People will not let this stand. I have already spoken to my attorney we will be holding all of those responsible legally accountable! Let me know your thoughts in the comments! Please be sure to hit the like button and share! it truly helps spread this around for more Patriots to see it and I appreciate it!

Thank you all so much for your support! I couldn’t do this without you! Stay tuned for incoming follow up videos!

If you feel the need to peacefully petition your grievances to your government OR commend any public servants on their behavior regarding this incident I will leave public contact information below. Always remember, this is your right under the 1st Amendment to the U.S Constitution!

County Executive: Johnny Olszewski
+1 (410)-887-2450
[email protected]

Baltimore County Police Chief: Dennis Delp
+1 (410)-887-2214 (Option 9)
[email protected]

Professional Standards (Internal Affairs)
+ 1 (410)-887-2220

County Council:
[email protected]

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Thanks for all the support! It’s greatly appreciated! TOGETHER we can create real change!


Feel free to email me with any questions, advice or tips. I receive many emails of support from you guys and I try to answer everyone one of them. You all are greatly appreciated!

You all are true Patriots!

[email protected]

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Disclaimer :
Video is for educational purpose only,
The legal topics covered in Long Island Audit are designed to be educational
and informative , and should not serve as legal advice under any circumstances. The contents of this video is in no way intended to provoke,
incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens about constitutionally protected activities, law, and civilian rights, and emphasize
the importance of constitutional awareness.


35 thoughts on “SEVEN Tyrant Officers Respond To A Journalist Peacefully Exercising His Rights! Incoming Lawsuit!”

  1. We the People will NOT let this Tyranny stand! If you feel need to petition your grievances, all contact information is in the description. This is not the end, they won the battle but I promise you we will win the war. My attorney has been made aware of this injustice. Stay tuned to the channel for further follow up, because you all know I will document every step of the way. Thank you all so much for your support I couldn’t do this without you!

  2. I can't wait for this out come from Maryland very close to this court. Love your work Sean. I believe they new in there hearts they massed up. They new what they were doing but did it anyway. Your could see on there faces. That going to be a quick lawsuit! I think going to be the quickest ever Sean

  3. The scary part about these security guards is that they are armed. The little guard started the whole thing.

    They are armed and concerned on a guy with a camera.

    This is ridiculous.

    Worse, when the detective goes along with the guards.

  4. Sean, I really wish you would have let them arrest you. The significance would be compounded, setting up for a better civil rights violation and law suit. It would also be much more likely to be picked up by news agencies. In any case, thanks for protecting our rights.

  5. Office constitutional suppression over hear, office of propaganda this way, office of make believe laws just down this way and office of paranoia is….well..everywhere.

  6. It is TIME to FILE the LARGEST LAWSUIT that you’ve ever filed!

    Baltimore is CORRUPT. EVERYONE knows this!

    They plant illicit drugs on citizens mate!

    Baltimore is the WORST city in ALL of United States!

  7. WOW, that buch of zoo animal's didn't even get into the reason you were there before gloving up
    and getting ready to go hands on. That little blonde was getting ready to throw down! 😂😂
    And violating his rights as well.
    Thats some serious blue line gang members right there!

  8. Why don’t you just say you are a member of the public filming. Saying you are journalist is a way to try to defend your reason for being there. You are supposed to be defending the publics right to film in public, not a journalists rights to film in public.

  9. This is a pretty decent looking building, I'm glad I got to see it through the video but I found myself having to pause alot as the good interior shots were rushed through and found myself skipping through the majority of the video as it was mostly odd interactions with other people.

  10. Edit your trash videos more. Keep editing. Keep cutting out ALL the parts where you’re an obnoxious piece of trash so your blind sheep followers don’t see you the way you REALLY act. You’re a straight up liar. You’re also a huge crying temper tantrum throwing toddler.
    You edit EVERYTHING OUT. Literally every part where you act like a giant piece of garbage is gone from the video. You have the most gullible oblivious viewership and you STILL have to lie by cutting out your garbage. Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable. Your parents are absolute failures. Total failures.

  11. Rofl you’re not a journalist and high court rulings have proven that. Stop acting like a lost toddler. Go home to mommy little baby and maybe hit the gym or go back to your packing plant or wherever you used to work before you became a giant overweight baby

  12. What a pathetic and sorry example of police corruption in Baltimore County. I hope the civil authorities in Baltimore County will take appropriate action to discipline these police officers, especially the sergeant. I hope Sean will take legal action here.

  13. Left like a little lost girl on the sidewalk. Best looser video you’ve made. I have watched all your videos. Just not on this channel. Grow up, get employed, get a life, and maybe then a girlfriend. Not one of your fan boys either.

  14. Shameful the epidemic of bad policing in the USA in 2022 and how these horribly bad actors are also protected by the DAs who continue to treat citizens badly after they come across an obviously bad arrest by continuing to prosecute the victims of these criminal cops who operate with impunity and no regard for our rights or the law! Oath breakers!

    Congress needs to be aware of this and End Qualified Immunity for ALL Federal, State & Local law enforcement officials and government officials. We the people are growing very tired of the now 100s of new Daily Videos surfacing on YouTube showing this horrible treatment of the citizenry and tax payers by criminal government actors who have absolutely no accountability even when their heinous actions & violent crimes actually make it to the “mainstream media” and the 6 o’clock national news which is a terrible rarity! Do Better America!

    The disrespectful way LEOs and Government Officials treat the nation's citizenry and tax payers all starts with the local government offices and town / city halls nationwide and this has to STOP!

  15. Why in God's name are there so many cops and security to ( I counted around 15 total) deal with a non-violent one person situation? Does this seem kinda weird to anyone besides me ?🤔


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