⭐️ SHOP I’M FINE COLLECTION: https://immallorybrooke.com/collections/week-2-collection
20% of the proceeds will be donated to https://wck.org/
⭐️ Follow my new brand EDITS on IG: https://www.instagram.com/editsbymallorybrooke
👉 House of Marsté Une Nuit Parissienne (use code MALLORY): https://www.houseofmarste.com/discount/MALLORY?ref=MALLORY
👉 Iris & Romeo Weekend Skin Universal: https://go.shopmy.us/p-12115107
-at Sephora: https://howl.link/icdgqqiwkvm00
👉 Iris & Romeo Ceramide Multi Balm Rosé Cheeks: https://go.shopmy.us/p-12115184
-at Sephora: https://howl.link/wswgzru1iscpt
👉 Rare Beauty Find Comfort Awaken Confidence Bouncy Body Butter: https://howl.link/2miaopwiu8bjk
👉 Rare Beauty Find Comfort Awaken Confidence Body & Hair Mist: https://howl.link/mr408uoyrym10
👉 Everlane The 90s Cheeky Hourglass Jean: https://go.shopmy.us/p-12115298
👉 Dr Martens The Penton Loafer: https://go.shopmy.us/p-12115337
👉 111 Skin Black Diamond Eye Cream: https://go.shopmy.us/p-12115399
-At Nordstrom: https://howl.link/67mattm4kkecf
👉 Charlotte Tilbury Lip Cheat Hot Gossip: https://howl.link/bv55tcgalmlpv
👉 Rel Beauty No Duh Lip Balm For Sure: https://go.shopmy.us/p-12115480
👉PART I starting over… https://youtu.be/rO_VBxJgFEo
👉 PART II grwm and the rest of the story: https://youtu.be/b6RN0cen_Mo
🚨 GET YA MERCH HERE: https://bit.ly/MalloryBrookeMerch
🚨 JOIN THE INSIDERS CLUB: https://bit.ly/JoinTheMBInsidersClub
🚨 FIND ME ON IG: https://bit.ly/IGimmallorybrooke
☕️ ABOUT ME ☕️
Hey 👋 I’m Mallory Brooke!
I’m a Makeup Artist with super dry and sensitive skin. A lifelong pop-culture, beauty industry, and fitness nerd. And someone living with an autoimmune disease. I’ve been sharing my entire life- especially my passion for health and beauty inside and out- here on YouTube for over 10 years now! 👋 Like, subscribe, and shop my links for more content like this! And don’t forget to say hi in the comments!
This video is not sponsored.
My opinions are always honest and my own and I always fully disclose paid-partnerships in according to FTC guidelines. 📧 For business contact: [email protected]
World Central Kitchen helped my Northern Californian community enormously when we were burned off the map (Camp Fire 2018). They are a class act and no one is taking major admin fees off the top. Donations go to folks who are in need. I have made my donation for the month. Excellent choice.
You need to put pennies in the dr marten penny loafers! love that style so much. So happy to see you thriving ❤
I wish you had a t shirt in your I’m fine collection, because I live in Florida and don’t get much use out of hoodies and sweat pants.
Love the scents from Marlena❤ I so wanna order a bottle soon as been off work from back surgery so my budget is tight !
I just got my I'm Fine sweat set!
Mallory you deserve the world. I really mean That! Huge Huggies from a longtime fan in Poland 💕
I love seeing you glow ❤ Thank you for sharing the products that have helped. Take good care
I'm definitely treating myself on Mother's Day to the awakened confidence body butter. I love citrus scents! They make my brain happy!😊❤️
I must say, for you to have hooded eyes, like me, they look absolutely incredible. Looks like you have 0 eyeshadow on! Please share your secret!!!❤😊
It’s so nice to see you lighter, and at peace ✨
Do they stretch? I’m always looking for a stiff but flattering jean!
Now there’s a fire in CA where they store batteries 😮 Terrible times for CA
The jeans look great on you! 👍
Those complaining commenters can pound sand.
You are glowing to the gods in this video!! ✨
You look beautiful in this video🥰
Mal I am ❤’ing your glow!!
Skin is on point
That bottle reminds me of an expensive bottle of olive oil
Absolutely gorgeous Mal!
Now that blush Mal woah
Nobody cares lol
Mal I’m running my a$$ literally off at this point..
I’ll find a pair for someone my age lol
Mal my under eye is my insecurity as well… however at 52 I’m going to be me & it’s so freeing!!
Whoop whoop thanks Mal
My only makeup girly channel
Let the healing begin ❤ you go girl!
It’s beautiful seeing the life come back into your eyes! You have and will continue to do great things! 💕💜❤️ I appreciate your content and what you stand for! Love from Idaho!
I’ve got a pair of flowered Doc M’s boots that I bought in the late 1990s. I love them so much and they’re still in great shape. Those loafers look so great—I might have to invest… 😏
I've watched Marlena for years and have heaps of Makeup Geek eyeshadows. I've always thought she seemed so lovely and genuine. It's so great that you can support each other.
You look so glowy and beautiful 😍 And you always look youthful to me. You could easily pass for 20 something…easily ❤
I need a new eye cream!!! I will have to see if it's available in Aus ❤