Seoul in Jazz | The Night View of the City | Sleep Study Work | Chill Vibes Cafe Music 4K HDR

Hello everyone! 👋 This is Nathan 🤓🐈
Today I’m going to play some jazz songs for you. A few days ago, I went to Yanghwa Bridge, one of the bridges over the Han River in Seoul, and took a video for 3 hours. I hope you enjoy the music for an hour with a video where everything looks beautiful, from the setting sun to the Yeouido financial district and subway line 2 passing by, and cars on the road on the way home from work. Thank you so much for always loving my videos! 💜

Filmed: November 14, 2022, 5:07PM
Weather: Cloudy ⛅️
Temperature: 8℃ / 46℉ 🌡
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30 thoughts on “Seoul in Jazz | The Night View of the City | Sleep Study Work | Chill Vibes Cafe Music 4K HDR”

  1. I usually don’t watch such videos but decided to give it a try because of the scenery, ended up letting it play in the background while I did some things. Great quality and nice selection of music

  2. Hey Nathan 👋 Thank you for your beautiful video. It reminds me so much of the the peaceful evenings I used to enjoy when I lived in Seoul. You're doing wonderful work. Thank you again, and please stay safe!

  3. 안녕하세요!! "서울워커"가 여러분의 채널을 통해 왔습니다. 당신이 정성을 다해 만든 비디오를 보세요. '좋아요'를 남겼어요. 한국의 영상을 녹화하는 데 헌신해 주셔서 감사합니다. 나의 사랑하는 한국 친구, 축복받은 금요일 보내세요. 그리고 신이 항상 당신 곁에 있기를. (온라인 번역자 4명에 의해 번역됨).. Sergio São Paulo Brazil

  4. Просто невероятно притягательно завораживающая красота на то что можно смотреть бесконечно долго. А трасса с машинами это высшей класс а можно ещё только в другом месте 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜👍👍👍👍


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