Sen. Whitehouse Joins PoliticsNation with Rev. Al Sharpton to Talk Trump and the Debt Ceiling Deal

June 4 | Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) joins PoliticsNation with Rev. Al Sharpton on MSNBC to discuss Trump’s legal troubles, the debt ceiling deal, and the one-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s disastrous Dobbs decision.


24 thoughts on “Sen. Whitehouse Joins PoliticsNation with Rev. Al Sharpton to Talk Trump and the Debt Ceiling Deal”

  1. In terms of policy and families, there was nothing in that bill that was very good for America.
    Perhaps Democrats are hearing progressives who are angry and fed up with concessions 😠

  2. President Biden, did the best job that he could, with the Maga GOP. Mccarthy did nothing to bring to the table when discussing what the GOP was wiling or not do. Lead by example or Not.

  3. Donald Trump took that top-secret documentations, and he knew what he had therefore Donald Trump needs to be in jail yesterday to save our country from becoming communist and it will under Donald Trump.The Color of the woman or man skin should make no difference next it will be the color of people’s eyes,How well can they do the job is the only question.I think Senator,Sheldon Whitehouse gave President Biden the praise for not allowing us to go into a recession and lose all them jobs. Although he’s always does a good job.

  4. Love senator whitehouse, hate his take on the debt ceiling. It was a symbol of abject corruption and you know it, and the economic system we are dealing with is one-sided plutocracy. You can go ahead and say it and stop pretending Joe Biden’s neoliberalism is doing anything but validating republicans corruption and facilitating the rise of fascism, which is financed by the same super wealthy fuck nuts

  5. Please run for president sometime in the future, Mr. Whitehouse! You have my vote. And that Dobbs decisions stinks to high heaven, and I become angrier every time you reveal more. This Supreme Court is making our country look bad and corrupt, just the way Donald Trump made us the laughingstock of the world.


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