Enjoy my reaction as I watch Selma for the first time!

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  1. Thanks ! george wallace was using the race issue to further his ambition to be US president he ran as third party in 1968 and carried 5 states in 1972 had some success. in dem primaries was cut short after being shot and paralyzed in 1976 tried again but was exposed so badly injured could not feed himself he was still governor of Alamba till 1978 a coalition of black voters white liberals ended almost 20 years of rule of wallace it should be noted he renounced his raciest past and became a reborn christian and did ask for forgiveness this came 4 years later when he ran for governor came in second for democratic nomination and was propelled to victory endorsed by black ministers who delivered 40% of black vote in general election all black leadership endorsed him and easily won

  2. The bombing that killed the four little girls was at the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, on Sunday, September 16, 1963. My parents vividly remember watching news coverage of that. By the way, my dad's cousin and some of his college classmates marched from Selma to Montgomery. His mother was terrified for his safety, but totally understood why he wanted to do it and fully supported the Civil Rights movement.

  3. I was just under two years old when Dr. King was assassinated, so of course I don't remember it. Growing up in the 1970s, King was revered as a champion of civil rights, but we were also taught in school that his struggles in the 1950s and 60s had solved the issue of the racial divide. It wasn't until I was an adult and serving in the Army that I realized nothing could be further from the truth. People like King, Lewis, Sharpton, Young, and the people they led made great strides, but the struggle for equality is not over.

  4. Just a year before the film was released the Supreme Court effectively gutted that very same Voting Rights Act they fought for. Its sad but it still something that is being contested even today.

  5. It's interesting to see a Canadian's take on this.

    Perhaps now you may understand better why U.S. History is one of the most hated mandatory subjects in high schools across our country.

    From The Seventh Calvary to the Klu Klux Klan, we've got plenty of Nazis of our own…

    (Despite this, we learn that those who do not study History are bound to repeat it…)

    Best to you-

  6. This film is an excellent look at a critical 2 years in the civil rights movement. In 1978 there was a TV miniseries (King, starring Paul Winfield and Cicely Tyson) which begins with Martin and Coretta as college students and ends in the autopsy room. So a lot of stories from before and after the events of this film.

  7. 18:27 it's still legal. they're still doing it. white police officers still shoot and murder innocent unarmed black men and women at a rate that would make any conscious, civilized person disgusted and enraged. their names are michael brown. tamir rice. breonna taylor. atatiana jefferson. botham jean. this kind of racism is alive and well in america. there are still voter registration laws that keep the poor and people of color from exercising their constitutional right to vote. this is still the reality. just this time we all have cameras in our hands, we get video proof, evidence of injustice, for all the good it does when it is still ignored and pushed aside.

  8. The 1982 film “Gandhi” tells about similar movements for civil rights in South Africa and in India. It’s notable at this point because King drew a great deal of inspiration from Gandhi and his methods.

  9. It's shocking how little you know about the whole situation. It's watered down when taught in the public school system but there was so much going on. Yes he was unfaithful, yes he was a good man in his freedom efforts. He was killed by those in power who feared the changes that were coming.

  10. History put people in their places. Sadly, there’s still plenty of dinosaurs that think that they live in pre-Civil War times and want everybody to be as bigoted as them. Hopefully, they will pass away (nobody lives forever), and their legacy of hate will pass away too.

  11. Glad to see you referencing and publicizing the importance of MLK day with watching this movie. Another movie I might suggest is North Country, has Charlize Theron in it and deals with protections for women in the workplace.


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