SEFIRSA's Never Ending Value! | Legends of Runeterra Deck


0:00 – Deck Tech
9:48 – Gameplay

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48 thoughts on “SEFIRSA's Never Ending Value! | Legends of Runeterra Deck”

  1. I love your laugh, dude.
    I don't watch your streams because I'm irritated by people in the chat who always think they know better than you…
    Do your thing, you bring a lot of joy and thanks to you I started and still play LoR… Become yourself,
    Greetings from Poland

  2. 11:41 In reality, she is possessed by a primordial Daemon, the one of Joy. Like Tahm Kench is the daemon of Hunger, Evellyn is the daemon of Agony, Nocturne is the daemon of Fear and Neela is possessed by the one of Joy.

  3. I personally think it's a huge mistake to not run firespitter when you already run a full playset of Iascylla and Ursine. Not only is Firespitter itself a good stabalizer, but it also has incredible synergies with Iascylla and Ursine. If Iascylla is on board he not only gets double boons, but also burns a unit and the nexus for 4, because his skill is actually elemental and with ursine on board he actually generates 2 sigils, letting you stabalize and ramp at the same time quite significantly. I've really come to love this card, especially because I'm also running Flamecaller Caprine in my variant just for maximum Elemental Skill value.

  4. Also let me say i do think your content is better when not streaming for videos (Deck talk banter and overall deck quality is better) but videos are only 40 minutes whereas vods i can watch for many hours. So I have a slight bias to more-gwai

  5. 11:38 Well, tbf, Nilah is an interesting case of that character trope. She has no choice but to feel joy because the demon of joy she made a pact with took everything else from her. And I mean EVERYTHING. Her other emotions are gone, sure, but she lost her name, her family, her friends, her former life. Even memories other people had of her were gone. She went in the demon's cage as a girl with another name not even she herself remembers. She came out as Nilah and no one even knew she existed before that exact second. That's why she's so obsessed with being remembered. Because she was forgotten once already and all she can feel about it instead of fear, sadness or even indifference…. is joy.

  6. Mog, just so you know Nilah is possessed / working with a demon. Out of all the demons out there, this is the demon of "Joy". As such, she can't feel or experience any other emotion besides joy. You could tell her that her father just died to her face – she'd smile. That's why her voice lines sound so unhinged / uncanny. It's not that she's happy or that she cares so much about what other people think about her – its that she physically can't experience or express anything else. It's to show people that even something "good" taken to its extreme can be bad.

  7. I believe Sefirsa works better as the top end of a deck with more midrange creatures. As seen in the video, the cards you get with Sefirsa when playing big units are very situational or win-more cards, if the one you roll is not something you want at that point it's like she didn't do anything at all. Playing two or three smaller creatures with Sefirsa on the field gives better overall value as cards with lower value tend to have more generic effects that are useful at different points of the game. I'd like to see another deck with that concept, maybe with the coin package like it was probably intended

  8. lol, when I read that title, I was thinking, what is this 'sefirsa' combo? Sett + Firsa (who's Firsa?) Anyway, deep is an archetype that tilted me back in the day for no obvious reason I can think of. Maybe its PSTD from Path of Champions. Maybe its because it was one of ImpetuousPanda's favs? Who knows. I'm pretty chill about it now though. Out of sight, out of mind.

    Thanks for the video!

  9. Hi there, great video, we love zero cost units that are huge. Anyways, in the future would you be interested in creating a functioning ryze deck? Since rotation he was mostly unplayed, but i think the current meta would allow for him to work.

  10. I think I’m going to stop watching your videos, like you just more unpleasant honestly imo, like with nilah like I know she’s fictional but why are you insulting her?


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