Secrets Hidden In National Monuments

What secrets are below the Lincoln memorial? Beneath the Washington Monument? Under Lady Liberty? Well, come with me, and let’s find out!
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34 thoughts on “Secrets Hidden In National Monuments”

  1. 6:56 yes I think it should remain I hope they don't mess with the original artwork that people made in there even if it's racist or stupid it's still history. And nowadays who can pay to go to some place like that they'll probably charge like $1,000 a person

  2. 8:39 that's pretty chill kind of a reminder that our country leaders should treat the underlings better LOL just kidding the government's awesome they treat us great and hey it could be worse we could be getting whipped making shoes

  3. 12:13 those catacombs sound really cool but I don't think I'd ever go in at least the parts that you're not allowed and if I did I would bring a crap ton of fishing wire tons of water and some type of ration that lasts a long time just in case because I would hate to get lost down there I mean they make movies about this and it just reminded me of the idea that I have For a movie thank you very much I hope I wrote it down if not I'm going to go now

  4. 13:20 yeah there's a whole Rave place down there again that was in a movie so I don't understand why police wouldn't be like I wonder if there's something going on down there of course there is the place is huge. I mean you ever see the footage of the dude that got lost down there or I think you got lost maybe that was a hoax man I feel bad for that dude if it was real

  5. 18:16 okay hold up I've stayed at I don't know if it was Foxwoods or Mohegan but I didn't want to take the elevator so I took the stairs and walk down and climbed up 42 flights I think it was a lot I know that the next day of my legs were in so much pain I just know it was a long walk up we took the elevator up then we jump down pretty much every flight then I wanted to walk up them my friend said I was crazy but we did it anyways then we started to regret it at the end of it but we made it so I'm curious if I could even make it up to that now I mean that was years ago

  6. 20:09 what! That's insane why did I not know about this and yes the easy answer is well cuz I'm slow but I would think I would have heard about this sooner and should we really be messing with things like that I'm not talking about like a curse or something like that but I'm more talking about what if it topples over and you destroy something that is kind of amazing that would really be a sad day

  7. 25:35 yeah if Kanye West was on Mount Rushmore we are really headed for the world of Idiocracy if you haven't watched the movie go do yourself a favor and watch it and you'll see where our future is going. But it has electrolytes

  8. 27:11 oh I'm sure there's more than just those three I mean to be sealed like that there has to be something that well I guess those three things are very important but on assuming there has to be more something that we don't know they should be come on

  9. The most important I don't know I love the catacombs but I would never go down there I don't think like I said in a previous comment at least the parts that you're not allowed to go so where the Raves at I wouldn't go but there is a bigger catacomb somewhere else I just forget where and you got to think this is floors of bodies the other one I have no idea

  10. 0:35: 🗽 The video uncovers hidden secrets in well-known national monuments, focusing on the Statue of Liberty.
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    Recapped using TammyAI


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