Secret Alien Mysteries of Our Moon and Mars

A comprehensive breakdown of UFO and unidentified disturbances reported across America and the rest of the World. Learn why the government has held this information tightly until now when their secrets are revealed.

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#documentary #unexplainedhistory #alien #alientechnology #paranormal


28 thoughts on “Secret Alien Mysteries of Our Moon and Mars”

  1. Many of the photos here are clearly fake. Very amateurish to the point I had to laugh almost. If people and channels like this will continue to do things like that the UFO community will never be looked upon seriously. Sometimes I think we don't deserve the truth because people are truly stupid.

  2. Spend all are $ on guns! Wow, do you live in North Korea? We have problems a Government that thinks its OK to lie to its people, large companies and the wealthy that wont allow change that would effect their bottom line and grip on the world.

  3. Most of us are not sleeping. We are awake and ready for all the information being withheld to be released so our Government can start the long process of earning the trust of the American people again.

  4. I tried really hard to give this video a chance, but it's impossible to take seriously if fake images and animations are being used with the claim that they're real. So, being that the "proof" you're providing is just a bunch of photoshopped pictures and things of that sort, there's no reason for me to commit to watching the entire video. If flat-earthers actually believed that Earth is spheroid and space is real, this is the kind of horse sh*t they'd be posting. They don't back up their "facts" with legitimate proof either. Instead, they create videos of the same quality as this one and hope that the the people viewing them are so gullible and stupid that they actually fall for it. This "documentary" is a joke and the fact that anyone would watch the entire thing and trust this channel's content is mind-blowing.

  5. When people say there is to many people on the planet and there is not enough resources that is total bull shit . There is to many people on the planet that are greedy keeping land for them self's


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